Chapter 2!

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"..A baby?"

(YN) completely removed the cover of the box to reveal to the pair a baby. It was wrapped around in a blue blanket. There was a blue pacifier in its mouth as the baby continued gnawing at it with its eyes closed.

It was small enough to fit in the shoe box so (YN) thought it couldn't be over a year or two old.

"What's a baby doing out here?" (YN) heard Sana ask. She crouched down to his level to further examine the infant inside the shoebox.

"Whoever left it here clearly had no business in wanting to take care of the poor thing anymore." (YN) replied, once again looking at the hall that led to their apartment in hopes of seeing someone that could explain the baby.

"This is um...unexpected." Sana softly held on one end of the box and shook it gently.

(YN) glanced at the look on Sana's face. Her eyes were fixated on the infant as she continued to rock the box it was in. He felt that whatever Sana was thinking, it wasn't going to lead to anything good.

"We can't just leave it out here...can we?"

Sana turned her head back at (YN) and shook it.

"Of course not! Leaving it out here would just be cruel! I guess we have to take it in for now."

(YN) sighed a short breath.

"I don't know if you remember but we're still at the point in our lives where getting a family would be and should be the last priority." (YN) pointed out what point of their lives the two were in hoping Sana wouldn't add more problems to her life and maybe even his.

He enjoyed her company ever since their college days, he truly did but there were times when Sana was a bit too much for him. There were plenty of examples of Sana putting the both of them in problems neither of them wanted a part in.

"So what if we're at that point? That doesn't mean that we can't at least take care of it for the meantime." Sana argued back. (YN) deadpanned a look at her, still wanting to refuse to take the baby in.

He looked at her eyes, and they surely didn't lie about what she felt at the moment. They looked sincere as if the baby was already important to her. To add to her convincing, her lips slightly curved upwards into a small pout.

"" (YN) looked away from her. Sana has never once looked at him like that so he was stunned in place. She stayed looking at the man beside her as he was in thought.


The pair turned their gaze back at the baby inside the box in front of them. The pacifier it once had fell to its side as it continued to wail out loud screams down the halls.

"What do we do?!" (YN) asked Sana, pure panic in his voice breaking away from his usually stoic self.

Without much thought to it, She quickly pulled the box with the crying baby inside their apartment and closed their door.

(YN) stood up and watched Sana as she picked the crying infant out of the box with its blanket then carried it in her arms.

Sana comforted the baby by letting it lay on her chest and patted its back with one of her hands. She hushed the baby as she slowly swayed herself.

(YN) looked at the scene in front of him. He didn't know that she knew how to silence an infant. Maybe she was assigned for a few visits to the maternity ward during her shifts.

She looked so serious at it too, and he hasn't seen her this serious in a while.

The young man thought of Sana as someone who is the perfect blend of being laid back, happy-go-lucky, and being serious about her passions ever since. Seeing Sana like this was a bit unusual but he didn't mind.

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