004|| Someone kidnapped Yejin??

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““ Yejin met who?? ””

They suddenly heard an unknown voice which make the three of them look at that person and they all looked so shocked.

““ Hyunjin?? What are you doing here?? ””

Jisoo asked that man who's name was Hyunjin and she looks at Rose.

““ What is the meaning of this Rosie?? Did you bring him here?? ””

It was Jennie who spoke now as she also looks at her

““ I'm here for Yejin ””

Hyunjin answered them as they all look confused

““ Yejin?? How did you knew Yejin?? Rose mind explaining us?? ””

Jisoo said as she raise her eyebrows

““ I'm sorry unnie that I bought Hyunjin here. It's just we need him ””

Rose said

““ But why Rosie? Why did you bring him here?? And what are you talking about??  ””

Lisa asked her and she answered

““ Because we can't win against Enhypen. They've been attacking us but we can't defeat them so I think we should need someone's help and that help we needed is at straykids hand and beside Hyunjin is Yejin's older brother ””

Rose said explaining about her plan as the three of them looked shocked

““ Wait!! Wait!! What really happened rose?? Why does Yejin involved at yours and Enhypen's fight?? ""

Hyunjin asked curiously as Jisoo sighed before starting to explain

““ Apparently Enhypen was interested on her since Jay and Jungwon found her working at our cafe and they all wanted to take Yejin away ””

Jisoo said as Hyunjin got shocked and was furious

““ What the?! That stupid group Enhypen!! I'm gonna destroy that fucking group!!! ””

Hyunjin shouted angrily as he was about to walk out but Jennie and Lisa hold his arms

““ Hey Hyunjin!! Calm down. We need to be careful, you know how powerful Enhypen is ””

Jennie said as they both tried to calm him down

““ And also they've been watching Yejin everyday and they might kidnapped Yejin in anytime. Who knows what really their plan is. ””

Lisa said which make Hyunjin a bit angry

““ So what's the plan, Jisoo?? ””

Hyunjin asked coldly as he looks at her

““ We want to make a deal with your group, Hyunjin. You will going to hide Yejin so Enhypen will not able to touch or go near her again. I don't want to involve Yejin in mafia things ””

Rose said as Hyunjin was thinking about something.

““ Hm let me just talk to Chan hyung about this matter. I can't just decide things as I am not the leader, he is. ””

Hyunjin said and They all agreed

““ Thank you Hyunjin!! Just call us if they agreed ””

Jisoo said and Hyunjin just nodded

““ Hm I'll go now ””

He said as they all nodded at him and he walk out leaving them

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