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< One Month Later | Sermsongwittaya's Mansion | June 2023 >
The Fear of the Past
Third Person's Point Of View

Sermsongwittaya's Mansion :

Sermsongwittaya's Mansion :

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The day that Phayu fears finally came. It's the day where his family meets his Rain and Zeus for the first time. Phayu is afraid of what could happen. He still has the trauma of what happened in the past. What if his omega leaves him again because of his parents? What if—

"P'Phayu, don't be nervous, okay? I'm here. We're here for you no matter what happens, we won't leave you, Dada," Rain paused as he looked at their son. "Baby, give Dada Ayu a kiss. He seems nervous."

Their son gave a quick peck on his cheeks, making him feel more relieved. Phayu kissed both his babies' foreheads and held Rain's hand gently. "Thank you, baby. Thank you, little dude."

A few moments later, they heard Phayu's Pa and Ma made their way downstairs with Phayu's sister, holding a baby boy in her arms.

The both of them stood up and made a polite wai towards the family. Rain felt as nervous as Phayu but decided to be more confident as he has his Phi by his side.

Phayu spoke, "Sawasdee khap, Pa, Ma, and P'Plerng. This is Rain, my omega. And this is Zeus, our four year old son."

"Sawasdee khap, I am Rain Nuttarat Tangwai and this is our son, Zeus Tangwai Sermsongwittaya. It's a pleasure to meet you." It was Rain's turn to speak up as he introduced himself and their son to his alpha's family.

Phayu's Pa signalled the three of them to sit down across them. What he said next was not something Phayu expected:

"So, when is the wedding?"

Rain and Phayu looked shocked as Zeus giggled softly. Phayu swore he saw his parents and his sister melted a little bit because of that. "Appa.. Dada.. wedding? They get married? Yay!" The pup giggled.

The family bursted into soft laughter as they heard the little boy's innocent commentary. "Yes, young man. Your Appa and Dada are going to get married. Are you excited and happy?" The older asked.

"Yesh, grandpa! Appa and Dada live happily ever after! Yay!" Phayu's Pa slowly got up and asked permission from Rain if he could pick up his grandson. Rain immediately agreed, softly smiling as the scene unfolded in fromt of him.

"Very good, young man. You are really smart. You are as smart as your Dada when he was your age," The older alpha turned to the younger omega. "You did a good job in raising him, Rain."

Phayu was confused at the scene in front of him. Was he dreaming? Is this man really his Pa? Why is he being so nice to his babies?

"Pa? You're not mad at me? At us?" Phayu hesitantly asked.

The older man shook his head. "No, Yu. In fact, I am very pleased right now. Thank you for bringing them here. I am happy for you, son." He replied, smiling.

Still not convinced, Phayu questioned. "Why? What is the reason? You were against us in the past. Why accept us now, Pa? Why just now?"

"Your Ma and sister talked to me. They made me see how much you love Rain and this little man right here. Plus, I didn't want to be the bad guy anymore. I want you to feel like I'm your old Pa again. The one who always supports you in anything you want to do.." Phayu's Pa replied, guilt laced in his voice as he explained his side to his son.

The older turned to Rain. "..And Rain, I would like to apologize to you. I am sincerely sorry for hurting you in the past, to the point that you had to sacrifice your relationship with my son just to let him keep the life that he has. When I knew that you did that for him, that's when I knew that you deserved each other. That your love for my son was real." He continued, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Thank you, Rain. And thank you for raising this little cutie. I am now recognizing the both of you as a part of our family. So, tell me, Rain.. when do you want to get married?"

"T– thank you, Papa.. thank you for accepting me and my baby. I promise you that I will love and care for P'Phayu always.." Rain responded, a wide smile plastered on his tear-streaked face.

This time, it was Phayu's Ma's turn to speak up, "Thank you as well, my dear. You fought so well and lived so well. Let us return the favor back to you, okay? Let us spoil the both of you. You're family now."

"That's right, brother-in-law! And thank you for giving my baby Fan a new playmate! They're going to be best of friends, for sure!" Plerng added as her son waved at Zeus shyly.

Rain cried at his Phi's family's words. He couldn't believe it! Their relationship is now an official one and is accepted by Phayu's family! Rain felt so happy and hugged Phayu. He saw his Phi also tearing up at the sight in front of him. They're okay. They're accepted. And they are loved.

"As for marriage," Rain suddenly added. "Papa.. Mama.. P'Phayu and I will talk about it first before planning it. We want to take things slowly first and spend time together always to make up for the years that we lost. I hope you understand." The omega finished, earning satisfied nods from his Phi's parents.

"No problem at all, son. We respect your decision. Now, shall we eat?" Replied Phayu's Pa.

The Sermsongwittaya family ate their dinner happily, which ended to Zeus and Rain being spoiled by his alpha's family. Phayu couldn't get any happier and contented than this.

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