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I know, I know; I'm a shit updater.

~Victoria .-.


Kellin was used to sitting alone and he didn't really mind it, but it sure as hell was a shock when Vic fucking Fuentes sat next to him in homeroom. Kellin gaped at Vic, and Vic just smiled at him. "You're Kellin, right?" Vic asked, even though he already knew Kellin's full name, and Kellin just nodded, still in shock that Vic sat by him. Of all people, Vic chose to sit next to him.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, and Kellin nodded once again, still staring at Vic. "Won't your friends think it's a bit odd that you're sitting by me?" Kellin asked nervously, covering his hands with the sleeves on his jacket.

"Fuck what they think." Vic shrugged, and Kellin nodded, shooting Vic a small smile. "Maybe you should sit by them. Don't want to ruin your reputation or anything." Kellin mumbled, and Vic shook his head and chuckled. "Fuck it." He said, and Kellin just agreed with him, because he was actually talking to Vic.

"Oh, by the way. Here's your rainbow pen." Vic said, digging through his backpack and handing him the pen. "I forgot you had this." Kellin chuckled, lying through his teeth because he would never forget that Victor Vincent Fuentes had his pen. And don't ask how Kellin knew his entire name either.

"So, you're pretty much invisible here... Must be nice." Vic said, and Kellin nodded. "It's not so bad. I'm not a social moth." Kellin said, and Vic gave him a confused look. "Isn't it social butterfly?" Vic asked, and Kellin shook his head. "I don't like butterflies so I say moth." Kellin said, and then wished he hadn't said it because Vic was probably creeped out by it.

"That fits you." Vic said, chuckling a bit. "Huh?" Kellin deadpanned, and Vic laughed a bit at the cute look on Kellin's face. "You're rather weird, but it fits you." Vic said, and Kellin still had the cute confused look on his face.

"Normal is boring." Kellin smirked, and Vic agreed. "Yeah, I've seen a few of your videos..." Vic said, trailing off. "Oh shit." Kellin mumbled and hit his head on his desk. "What?" Vic said, laughing again at Kellin's reaction.

"Wait, what videos have you seen?" Kellin asked, sitting up straight. "Uhh... Lesbian Toast Archers, and the one where you were screaming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with a lamp cover on your head." Vic lied, because he's seen every one of Kellin's videos.

"Oh fuck." Kellin said, hitting his head on his desk again.

"Hey, I thought they were hilarious." Vic said, and Kellin fell out of his chair. He quickly got back up, his face flushing red. "Okaaay then." Vic said, smiling at how adorable Kellin was when he was embarrassed.

"Sorry, it's just... You think I'm funny?" Kellin asked, and Vic nodded. "Yeah, I do." Vic said just as the bell for first period rang.


Kellin sat back under his usual tree, phone in his hand like always. He was talking about random things when Vic came over and sat by him. "Hi." Vic said, and Kellin let out a little squeak. "Flying sloth cupcakes." Kellin said, looking back at his phone.

"What?" Vic chuckled, and looked down at his phone. "I don't know." Kellin said, and Vic just laughed. "This is my friend, Kellin." Vic said, pointing at Kellin. "And this is Vic." Kellin said, poking his cheek. "Flying sloth cupcakes!" Vic exclaimed.

"There's another living person in my video! And he's not my mom!" Kellin exclaimed, Vic giving him a weird look but still laughing. "We're getting dirty looks. Bitches wanna be me." Kellin said, and Vic agreed.

"A hundred mother fuckers can't tell me nothing!" Vic exclaimed. "Did you just quote Nicki Minaj?" Kellin asked.

"No, did you?"

"What are you on?"

"Flying sloth cupcakes."

"That's my thing. Fuck off and get your own weird thing."

"Camel penis."

"Alrighty then, Vic. At least we all know that you have dick on your mind." Kellin joked, laughing at Vic. "I have a big dick." Vic blurted out, and Kellin busted up laughing. "It's probably two inches." Kellin teased. "It's two feet long." Vic joked and elbowed Kellin.

"Why are we talking about your dick?" Kellin asked, raising an eyebrow at the phone. "I honestly don't know." Vic said, making a weird face at the phone. "Ooh sexy!" Kellin teased, and Vic rolled his eyes. "I'm a Sexican, thank you very much." Vic said.

"The fuck? That sounds a bit like an STD..." Kellin said, trailing off. "Yeah, alright I'm an STD." Vic said sarcastically. They continued to joke around like that until the bell rang, and Kellin stopped filming.

"How come you're talking to me all of a sudden?" Kellin asked as they walked to fifth period. "Well, I had seen your videos and thought they were pretty funny and you just seem cool, I guess." Vic said, playing with his hands. Kellin nodded and muttered an okay as they walked into class, Kellin going to the back, and Vic going to sit by one of his friends.


Kellin and Vic didn't talk at all for the rest of the day, but Kellin kept watching the video from lunch over and over again just to make sure that it really happened and he wasn't just imagining it. Sure, it sounded crazy, but Kellin was a weird one and whenever something really good happened to him, he'd think that he'd just imagined it.

But it wasn't his imagination this time and Vic really was in the video, and Kellin would probably be in a good mood for the next week just because of it. But Kellin's good mood wasn't going to last very long.

The last bell rang and Kellin took his time, instead of rushing around like everyone else, and waited for the hallways to clear out a bit. He threw his history book in his locker and put his bag in there as well because it was Friday and he didn't really give a shit about his homework.

He put his hood up and walked out of the school building and into the parking lot, walking to his rather busted car, but at least it worked. He stopped when he saw that there was paint all over his car, writing on all the windows.

Faggot was written on the windows in bright pink, and Kill Yourself was written across the hood of his car in red. A strangled sob left his lips and he covered his mouth with his hands, and he started sobbing.

He stood there staring at the writing that stood stark against the silver, tears running down his cheeks. Kellin heard someone shout his name, but wasn't at all paying attention. Vic ran over to him, seeing the car.

He grabbed Kellin's hand and dragged him back into the school, snapping Kellin out of his trance. Vic sat him down on a bench that was in the entrance of the school, and Kellin started sobbing into his hands. Vic pulled Kellin into a hug, holding him close. Kellin wrapped his arms around Vic, sobbing into his shoulder.

Kellin eventually calmed down and he let go of Vic. "Can you take me home?" Kellin mumbled, his voice cracking. "Yeah, come on." Vic said, holding Kellin's hand and leading him towards his car.

I Talk To A Camera ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now