Chapter XIV

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The silence of the night was heavy. When the sun decided to rest and midnight arrived after the atrocious scene occurred, the living room, kitchen, and bathroom were empty. Their separate bedrooms, however, kept them away from the coldness of the rest of the house which felt contaminated by the shock of what they had witnessed. A subtle crack of a bedroom door had echoed through the rest of the house. Y/n was sneaking out.

She had a black blouse and pants, on her thighs she had some pockets with throwing knives, a gun hidden under her trench coat, and some new bandages in one of the pockets, along with some pills just in case. Y/n stepped out of the room quietly, going through the living room and finally, she eventually reached the hallway. She was putting on her shoes carefully, not to make any noises before she got disrupted by a now-too-familiar voice:

"Oh yeah? Sneaking out?" Ranpo had his eyes half opened as he looked down at her. His arms were crossed over his chest, his emerald eyes were gleaming under some moonbeans which entered the house through the window. Dust particles were visible due to the moon's (reflection of) light. His expression was almost unreadable. Was he mad? Sad? Disappointed? Feeling betrayed? Angry?

It was indeed almost unreadable. Almost. Because one thing was clear. Ranpo had concern etched on his (handsome) features.

Y/n sighed. She looked down ashamed as she got caught like a mouse. She then looked up at him and said, full of desperation:

"I know that this might feel like betrayal- trust me- I know- I just can't stand this- Not anymore- And I truly want to-"

"I know," said Ranpo calmly, closing his eyes like usual. He then opened his eyes again, this time they were full of determination. A frightening level of determination a man could face. "Let's go and end this."

Y/n's eyes widen. She stared at him for a few moments before chuckling softly. "Glad, thank you." She then stood up, she had a serious and determined expression, along with a firm tone. "Chuuya is waiting outside. Let's hurry" Ranpo silently nods.

"What took you two so long, idiots?! Agh- I thought I made it clear to hurry, Y/n" Spoke Chuuya who sat in the driver's seat. Y/n just laughed and responded with a teasing smirk. "Oops, my bad. I just love annoying short people" Chuuya quickly turns around and yells "What did you just-?! And why is he coming? You said that you're the only one coming!" Ranpo gave him a cold look, which made Chuuya scoff and look back ahead. Y/n sighs.

"Shush, Chuuya. He is a genius, we need him. Plus, he wouldn't let me go alone. But it's better if he is with us. I like seeing him in action in missions and stuff" She said the last part with a gentle smile before making a weird-shocked expression at what she just said and looks down, blushing "Anyway, explain to him how the mission will go"

Chuuya scoffed and became irritated again. "Fine, listen here, detective. I found a traitor infiltrated in my troops at the mafia." He then gave a smug look and smirked arrogantly. "I don't treat traitors well, you see, and of course it wasn't hard to find that there was a traitor- '' Y/n interrupted him. "Just get to the point, Chuuya!"

"Okay! Basically this guy was working for the guy we are looking for. The traitor was supposed to meet him tonight at the Dark Alley. That's where we are going, '' Chuuya added.

"Could it not be a trap?" asked Y/n thoughtfully. Ranpo replied firmly, looking out the window with a lollipop in his mouth (who knows where he got it from).

"It's not. Using a 'pawn' for the role of a 'traitor' is too risky. Not for the pawn, but for the trap itself. The culprit couldn't know exactly when the traitor would be found in the Port Mafia, meaning that an elaborate plan would be impossible, mostly without even an estimated date. So technically, it cannot be a trap"

"Ah, you're indeed right" Said Y/n as she looked at Chuuya's hat, thinking whether to steal it or not.

The darkness and coldness was surrounding the car and soon, it made its way into the vehicle. It was silent, like some sort of 'relaxation' before a disaster. Of course, relaxation would not describe it in the slightest and could only be used as a contrasting metaphor, or perhaps an oxymoron. Why? Because with each second passing by their adrenaline increased significantly. They all felt like their blood was boiling, making them aware of every inch of the veins as the blood flowed through them. Thoughts cross their minds with the darkest undertone. Like a song with a happy rhythm, sad tunes and lyrics full of fear and madness.

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