Chapter XI

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         Chapter XI

   “Ranpo?” asked Y/n while looking down, behind the driver’s seat where Kunikida drove rigorously against the weather which was twisting in agony. The use of his name, so lightly by someone who only started to call him by his name recently drew his attention.

    “What’s wrong, Y/n?” responded Ranpo while looking at the black windows designed to cover them. He was sitting in the back seat, next to her and narrowed his look towards the fabulous woman sitting next to him. He didn’t really notice her beauty before, in fact, he never cared about appearance. That’s why Ranpo started to observe her light, smooth features, charming eyes…everything. “RANPO?” called out Y/n annoyingly. “Uh- Yeah I am listening.” stated Ranpo before he turned around to face the back of the front seat. 

   “So we both noticed that this culprit is weak in person, right?” Ranpo nodded in affirmation. “But you also mentioned that they are really dangerous.” “What’s your point Y/n?” asked Ranpo playfully annoyed. “That means that they have a strong ability! Tell me more!” said Y/n excitingly. Ranpo’s eyes widened slightly. He always gets what people think, Y/n thought was so unexpected that he saw reactions which don’t even make sense in certain situations. He gathered himself and started speaking. 

   “Shadow is his nickname, his ability allows him to do many things that we still don’t know of. We don’t even know what his ability is.” Ranpo said as his green eyes slowly sank into the thought of this unknown figure, his voice became firmer and deeper. “The government fears him.”

    Y/n gasped. “Amazing! Kunikida leaves us right here!” She was excited and impatient while Ranpo stared at her in shock and Kunikida angrily screamed. “Y/n I can’t leave you two here! We have to get you guys safe first!”
    Y/n then switched her position, looking towards Ranpo and desperately shouting “Ranpo! You have to trust me! Please!” The detective was completely shocked, he was doubting everything at this point. Hesitant, through the overwhelming tension, Ranpo called Kunikida’s name once and he stopped the car, letting out a sigh of stress. Y/n jumped out of the car and grabbed the detective’s sleeve.

   They both ran for around 10 minutes and Ranpo was deeply affected. “Y/N! I HATE WALKING AND YOU EXPECT ME TO RUN?!” “Would you like me to carry you, detective?” asked Y/n playfully with a mocking ace. “I wouldn’t mind-” “We are here!” 

  “Y/n.” “Yes, Ranpo?” “I hate you.” said the detective while glaring at the building of the infamous Port Mafia. “I know you don’t hate me, detective.” 

    Ranpo was extremely tired and could’t oppose Y/n anymore, he already knew anyway what her plan was, he just didn’t understand why she was so excited and not scared of the thought of the most dangerous mafia known to civilization. He was lost in thought and didn’t realise that he was facing the entrance of the building. “Ta-chi-ha-ra? I know you are there!” said Y/n in a childish tone. Ranpo was just sitting down, questioning his whole life. “Oh well- I guess we will have to sneak in then” whispered Y/n close to Ranpo. 

    They snuck behind the building and climbed through a window which lead to the entrance of the torture rooms. Y/n noticed how uncomfortable Ranpo was. He is supposed to fight against them and the way they do their “job”, that’s why Y/n, unconsciously grabbed Ranpo’s hand and started holding it.

   As children, she would always do that with her friends. Y/n thought that Ranpo is so childish that he totally wouldn’t be affected by her gesture in any way. She was wrong. The detective flinched slightly and looked in shock at her act. Y/n did not notice as she walked towards an entrance of a vent. Ranpo noticed that she knew the place extremely well.

  She knew that the vent was wide enough for them to fit through there. “Ranpo?” whispered Y/n, “Do you have enough strength to help me get up there?” She already knew his muscular figure but due to his childish nature, thinking that Ranpo was strong seemed impossible.

  “I did too much work for a whole year today.” said Ranpo while slightly crouching and holding his hands to lift her up. She puts her leg on his knee and Ranpo holds her, fearing that she will fall. Y/n then took out a hair pin and slowly unscrewed the vent. She then grabbed its entrance and climbed through it. With some of her help, Ranpo was able to climb through it too. 

    The tension grew intensely but Y/n was unaffected by it. “Finally we are here!” said Y/n before she punched the other vent under her elbows and jumped out of it. Ranpo was completely stunned and he froze. 

   Y/n found herself on the floor, in front of…”Hello, Mr…Fancy Hat. Missed me?”  

    She wanted to get in Chuuya’s office room. The infamous Executive of the Port Mafia. Chuuya stared at her in surprise at his desk. “Y/N?! What the fuck are you doing here? If Boss finds you-"  "Oh? Hello, Y/n.” said Mori who leaned at the door frame.

   “See what you did Chu-Chu? That’s why you never mention Mori, he always appears out of nowhere.” stated Y/n while narrowing her attention to The Port Mafia’s Boss. Mori then looked up at the vent “And you expect me to ignore the fact that you brought an agency member?” Y/n sat on Chuuya’s desk saying “Mori, he is my hostage, that’s why you won’t  touch him, right?” Mori’s fake smile slowly faded. Chuuya angrily started shaking the desk with his gravity to get Y/n off. “Chu-Chu you’re so mean. But I have a purpose for my “visit”. Chuuya stop, you're getting annoying!”

   “Spill it out, idiot!”

   “Aww I missed this.” laughed Y/n. Ranpo sat in the vent, annoyed that he was left there, he got irritated by the closeness of her and Chuuya. No, no, no, there is no way I feel irritated just because she is talking to him, right? No, no no… “Ranpo get out of there already! Are you deaf?” 

  “So you guys are being targeted?” asked Mori, confused. “Yes, and you are interested in this person…” spoke Y/n confidently “...his nickname is Shadow.” continued Y/n while switching her attention to Chuuya, expecting a reaction. Chuuya suddenly looked at her and his eyes widened in realisation.

   “Chuuya,” said Y/n softly, “this is the nickname they gave the person we looked for two years.” Ranpo finally understood the situation with this testament. Mori masked his intrigue with a smile. “It appears wild to think that Y/n got into our mafia when she” Mori stopped so he can chuckle to himself, “killed a person, getting in the way of Chuuya’s mission.”

    While remembering this, Chuuya started shouting while shaking the desk with his ability again. “IF YOU, BITCH DIDN’T KILL THAT MAN BEFORE I DID, I WOULDN’T HAVE THAT TRAUMA OF BEING YOUR PARTNER!” Y/n started to laugh.

   Mori turned around, facing Ranpo who sat on a chair, he was anxious and irritated. Mori started to speak directly to him. “Detective,” Ranpo opened his emerald eyes, narrowing them towards Mori, “are you sure you want to get involved with a woman like Y/n? A serial killer AND a woman who became feared not only by Mafia’s victims, but also some members who tasted some of her fierceness.” Y/n stopped laughing at his question, in fact, she got irritated. “Mori, start your search on this Shadow, I’m not here to talk about who gets involved with me and who doesn’t.” stated Y/n with a firm voice. The air in that room got heavy with her anger. Chuuya wanted to reduce the tension. “Yes, Y/n I will prepare teams to search for this ability user.” Y/n nodded thankfully. “We will take our leave now, come on Ranpo.”  Ranpo let himself be dragged by her towards the exit. 

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