Chapter VIII- Fever, part I

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      “Now, now, Kunii~ let’s all calm down” said Dazai without any guilt.

  Kunikida then noticed that Ranpo was missing. He narrowed his attention towards Y/n as Dazai was able to exit the office while Kunikida got distracted. “Y/n, where is your partner?” asked Kunikida, making all the other members look at the detective’s helper. 

    “Oh, because of the low temperature he endured at the prison, he has a cold and it’s way too minor to get Yosano involved.” responded her. Atsushi then, with the most innocent face ever asked her,“Why don’t you go visit him, he might need you.” This made everyone think of inappropriate stuff for some reason. Y/n first looked curiously at Atsushi’s question before she heard the last part. She then blushed slightly and looked away. That is when everyone started laughing except for her, she was too flustered and Atsushi who is way too innocent to understand why everyone is laughing. Y/n stood up reluctantly and said quietly, “I guess…I could pay him a visit.” still looking away. 

     Y/n finally arrived and knocked on the door three times. She decided to take a look at one of his windows and noticed that it was open. “I killed people before and successfully went on an under-cover mission, a window should not be able to stop me.” thought Y/n while climbing up the window. She tossed the bag with sweets slowly and carefully on the kitchen counter, that is when she noticed that she got in his kitchen.

      A kitchen full of sweets, unexpectedly as she thought that Ranpo would eat them while he has the occasion since he is home, she then realised that it might be because he feels extremely ill. She took a shoe off and placed her foot on a chair that was by the window and got the other leg on it pretty quick. She walked off towards the opened door and found herself in his living room. She looked to the left and saw the hallway and the main entrance door. Y/n decided to place her shoes in the hallway and started to observe the house. It was surprisingly minimalistic. There weren't many things and it was quite simple, the house seemed new, really, it almost seemed untouched. “He clearly doesn’t stay home long, huh?” thought Y/n to herself, or at least she thought she did without realising she talked out loud. 

    A so-familiar voice responded to her thought. Ranpo appeared from a corner to the right in the living room. “That’s because I don’t usually stay home”. He was ill and yet he looked good. Really good. He had a white-shirt which had six buttons opened, exposing his shoulder-bone and his whole neck. His eyes looked calmer than usual, but the green seemed darker, and the fact that he had his eyes open like that since Y/n just entered his house surprised her. His eyelids seem heavy, his eyes were only half open. 

   “I was really worried, you know? I tried calling you several times! You didn’t even bother to open the door, you did worse, you left the window open and the chair so close just so I climbed it, am I wrong?” complained Y/n with an irritated voice. “Mhm! That’s just right! Haha! It was so funny, I even recorded it-” “WHAT?”. Ranpo kept laughing, ignoring Y/n’s anger. “See? You are smart, that's why I chose you to be my partner, of course, you are not smarter than me! You deduce things quickly, but not quicker than me, and it takes you soo long to actually look at the bigger picture!” said Ranpo, at first with a praising-like voice ending his statement in a complaining and whining voice which annoyed Y/n even more.          

     “Okay, good for you Mr Detective, I never wanted to become a detective’s helper in the first place but I’m glad you are…” then Y/n continued with a softer voice, wanting to tease Ranpo a little bit, “, a quick thinker, funny…and…” Ranpo’s eyes lit up and his cheeks turned slightly pink, until he heard the last sentence which was “just kidding”. Y/n was giggling while Ranpo frowned his eyebrows. “Don’t worry, you really are smart, I’m just teasing you. Oh by the way, I got you sweets-” 

   “I don’t want them right now.” This statement left Y/n speechless. Her eyes widened in  shock. “Oh it’s really bad, Ranpo, do you think you might be on your deathbed?” “As if!” 

Answered Ranpo quickly. 

    Y/n started to analyse the detective again. “Ranpo? Why are you wearing pyjama pants but you have a business shirt on?” “Oh I was dressing for work and I realised I felt too ill to come. I was going to take it off but I expected you would come about this time, and then I heard the doorbell-”  “YOU HEARD IT AND DIDN’T ANSWER?” 

    “So, what’s hurting? How do you feel?” asked Y/n laying on the couch as Ranpo came back in the living room with his pyjamas on, some blue ones. Ranpo sat down on the couch, with his arms resting behind his head. “My head hurts a lot, I feel a pressure on my chest and lung, I feel really hot…”, “Yeah, he is-” thought Y/n before realising she actually said it out loud again. Ranpo looked at her with his eyes wide and pink cheeks. “I mean- it- it is hot today. Uh you can continue.” “and my chest hurts when I try to breathe deeply. My throat also hurts.” 

    “Alright! Let's check your temperature!” said Y/n while opening her bag and taking out an auto thermometer. “I will just press it against your forehead and wait for its signal.” “Okay” said Ranpo while looking away. “THIRTY NINE POINT SIX?! ALMOST FORTY!” yelled Y/n while taking his arm and laying him on the couch “Wha- Y/n?” “Stay here!” “It’s not THAT bad…you're stressing over nothing.”

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