Chapter X

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  Y/n knew exactly where to go if something like this happened, the agency. Every inch of her body was going through infinite pain. An intense sensation of flames burned her organs, especially her heart. She ran as fast as she could towards the agency. Y/n’s mind was a true chaotic jungle.The agency’s coffee shop was entirely empty. She ran upstairs in despair to find someone she knew. Cold tears burned her cheeks with every discouragement thought. 

   “Kunikida!! Atsushi?! Anyone?! Please!”

  Only echoes responded to Y/n’s call for help. She decided to take the small piece of paper she found in Ranpo’s apartament. She quickly, with her observing eyes, said that the handwriting seemed rather…strange.

 She quickly, with her observing eyes, said that the handwriting seemed rather…strange

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              “Wait. Is that…a number…?”

 Is that…a number…?”

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     Even though she felt the hope sooth and embraced her skin with delight, Y/n did not want to get her hopes that high. She wanted to see him and make sure it was him and that he was alright. No, she didn't even care if he was injured to death as long as he was still alive to be helped. Without hesitation, she ran without thinking; her head felt heavier and heavier; the atmosphere seemed heavily crashing her fragile body. 

           “Come on, where are my keys!"

    “Ranpo?! Where are you?” echoed through the whole apartament. Tears were still flowing, surprisingly, her eyes resisted the whole cascade that tired her eyes continuously for what seemed like a century. Her numb legs finally fell on the hallway’s carpet. Sobs were audible as Y/n rested her face in her hands, kneeling before the entrance of the living room. 

   “I am right here, Y/n.” whispered the familiar voice she longed for. 

   “I know you’re just in my head.” her shaky words escaped through her palms. 

   “I am sorry that I couldn’t warn you about all this before you left, I didn’t think you would be affected this much.” said the detective kneeling in front of the emotional-destroyed woman. 

   Y/n was finally able to slow down her sobs, she was finally able to look in front of her, where she “imagined” the voice came from. Her heart skipped a beat at the scenery of the detective in front of her. It was Ranpo. Suddenly, everything else disappeared. Everything except him. She sighed in relief. Tears burst through her eyes at the sight of him. Y/n embraced Ranpo with all her warmth. 

  “Y/n, you’re shaking. Also could you please not squeeze me so hard? I am currently on the verge of death with this injury.” Said Ranpo with his usual playfully-voice. 

   Y/n gasped in shock as she saw the blood-stained cloth at Rnpo’s stomach. 



   “So you're telling me that someone tried to kill you, you knew so you hid and you put a bait under the blanket on the couch using a pillow and…ketchup?! I started crying because of KETCHUP?! So then how did you get this injury?” said Y/n while bandaging Ranpo. She couldn’t resist not looking at his muscular physique. 

    “Well…” Ranpo responded. “When I tried escaping I got cut pretty deep in a branch, I spent some time on writing that note for you so I had to be quick.” said him with a childish voice despite his muscular figure. 

    “Where is the agency though? No one was downstairs either.” asked Y/n while finishing bandaging the detective. 

     “I already informed them about this and had them look into this person. This person is rather dangerous, that is why you will pack up quickly. We are moving up into a secure place, since I am the major target, you become one as well, being my partner. I am so generous that I will ensure your safety.” smiled the evilish-yet-childish detective.

     “Haha. Funny. I will pack up right away.”  This whole thing is stressing me out, I thought Ranpo died, now I’m also a target, we have to move. No, Ranpo dying was the worst thing. I still feel dizzy from all that agitation and crying. 

   However, the agitation did not end. That’s what Y/n thought as she saw a suspicious figure standing outside, not so far away from her window, “hiding” behind a tree. Not doing a great job, huh?  She zipped the luggage and picked it up. 

  “Ranpo, we are being spied on, the culprit found our location.” said Y/n with a calm voice. This was the least scary thing that happened today for Y/n. As a killer, being targeted isn’t new. 

  “Perfect timing then, I got Atsushi to drive a taxi with two dolls that look similar to us, we will leave with Kunikida in a truck. This will confuse them. They might be dangerous, however, based on their own skills, mostly when it comes to do “it” themselves, they are not experienced.” 


     Author’s note: Ik this is a pretty boring chapter but trust me, the next chapters will be top, hopefully. 

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