Chapter 5 - Dance in the Snowstorm

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- Chapter V -

Dance in the Snowstorm

Continuing from Chapter 4...

Previously, as the Knights of the White Foglands were in a rush to escort the Prince to his location, The Frosthearts were also making their moves discreetly. However, Prince Steffon and Merlia successfully crossed the border and are now beyond the reach of the White Foglands. They find themselves in a perilous zone outside the kingdom's borders.

Prince Steffon and Merlia arrived at a different riverside, where they decided to camp for a while and collect water. The river's water was exceptionally clear and delicious, providing a refreshing drink that Merlia made sure to verify.

As they journeyed on, hunger began to gnaw at their stomachs. Prince Steffon, attempting hunting for the first time, received guidance from Merlia on the art of hunting. His natural combat skills aided him in the task, but when it came to cooking their catch, he proved to be less adept.

Prince Steffon, in an attempt to impress Merlia, offered to cook her a rabbit for the first time. However, he cooked it without removing the fur, and it turned out poorly. Merlia couldn't help but laugh, but she appreciated his effort nonetheless. It highlighted the disadvantages of living as a High-born in certain aspects of life.

As Prince Steffon made another attempt to cook a rabbit, this time successfully removing the fur, Merlia was busy saving some water from the nearby riverside. Suddenly, she noticed a figure in the distance waving at her and calling her name.

She glanced at Steffon and said, 

"Hey, I'll be back in a moment, alright? I need to fetch something for us to eat from over there. Stay here and continue cooking the rabbit."

Without informing Steffon, she went towards the unknown man.

It was Astrielle..

As she approached Astrielle, he was speaking something to her,

"Hey, what a surprise. What brings you to these wilds? Is that the Prince with you?"

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