Chapter 2 - The Fierce and the Just

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- Chapter II -

The Fierce and the Just

Continuing from Chapter 1...

As the story progressed, Prince Steffon found himself increasingly enthralled by the common girl's remarkable abilities. Her skills and talents were so extraordinary that they seemed almost beyond belief. This left Prince Steffon in a state of sheer amazement, utterly captivated by her exceptional performance.

After emerging victorious in the match, Merlia's elation knew no bounds. The fact that she had secured 8 gold coins filled her with immense joy, as it meant she could finally fulfill her family's essential requirements and ensure they had enough food to sustain them for a fortnight. This newfound ability to provide for her loved ones brought her an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief.

However, Prince Steffon found himself growing increasingly irritated by the prize, deeming it inadequate. He couldn't help but perceive the awarded prize as absurdly insufficient, feeling that it fell far short of what Merlia truly deserved for her remarkable achievement.

Prince Steffon turned to his advisor, Ser Bracken, his expression filled with disgust.

 He exclaimed :

 "Only 8 Gold Coins?! To defeat such a skilled and formidable opponent, where every moment felt like a matter of life or death? It's utterly preposterous! Such a meager reward is nothing short of ridiculous!"

The advisor, Ser Bracken, offered a response to the prince, saying : 

"My prince, life in the slums isn't centered around the prize. Often, they participate in such competitions out of sheer necessity, to secure their survival and obtain the means to meet their daily needs. Existence in these circumstances is incredibly arduous, my prince."

With a surprising and unexpected decision, the prince resolved to unveil himself to the gathered crowd. His intention was to address the host of the Fighting Pits directly, expressing his dissatisfaction with the current reward system. Firmly believing that the prizes were inadequate and unreasonable, he aimed to advocate for an increase in the rewards, emphasizing that the participants deserved better recognition for their efforts.

However, the advisor, Ser Bracken, promptly intervened, preventing the prince from proceeding with his impulsive plan. Ser Bracken cautioned the prince, saying :

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