Extra: The Wedding

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Ratchet looked at himself at the mirror, readjusting his tie for what seemed to be the hundredth time. No matter how much he redid it, it still looked crooked. He grumbled and fought with it for a moment until he managed to get it straight, and then he stepped back from the mirror to get a look at himself. Today was a very special day, and he just had to look perfect. Despite the new coat of rust that appeared on his once shiny body, he never felt happier. In fact, he actually liked to see it. 

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts, and he turned his head to see that Rodney peeked his head into the room. He was also wearing a bow tie, dressed up for the occasion. "Are you almost ready yet?" 

Ratchet muttered. "I think so. I just can't get this tie to--" 

Rodney snickered. "Here, let me help." 

Walking into the room, Rodney stood in front of the silver robot and readjusted his tie for him. As he did, Ratchet felt himself blushing. 

"There, that's better." The blue robot said and took a step back to look at it from a distance. "Come on, we're going to be late for the wedding!" 

The two robots then left the house and went to the chapel, where the wedding was going to be taken place. As they walked inside, there was a poster on the doors that said, "The Wedding of Bigweld and Miss Fanny," confirming that they were in the right place. As they walked in, there were many robots there that they either did or didn't recognize, including the Rusties which sat on one of the pews waiting for it to start. As they navigated their way through the crowd, Rodney turned Ratchet to where he was looking. "Those are my parents," he said.

"Your parents?" Ratchet replied. He gulped. He had never met them before. 

"Yeah. Come on, let me introduce you to them." 

"W-Why?" Ratchet stammered nervously. "Why do they need to know who I am? I'm nobody!" 

"You're my boyfriend, silly," Rodney said. "Besides, they already know of you anyway?" 

Palms sweaty, Ratchet let Rodney guide him over to his parents. He stood close to the shorter robot as he alerted his parents with his voice. "Mom, dad," Rodney introduced, "this is Phineas Ratchet. He's my business partner--"

"And boyfriend, I presume?" his mom gently interrupted. She smiled and shook Ratchet's hand. "It is nice to finally meet you!"

"Rodney has been telling us a lot about you," his dad said. "And we couldn't be anymore proud of him for bringing you out of your mother's roots." 

"O-Oh..!" Ratchet scratched the back of his neck.  He didn't know what to say. 

"My name is Herb, and this is my wife Lydia," Rodney's father said.

"Happy you're here mom and dad!" Rodney exclaimed. 

"Happy to be here too!" His dad then looked around. "Now where are the refreshments?" 

Rodney laughed to himself before taking Ratchet's hand. "Let's go find somewhere to sit down."

Ratchet blushed and softly squeezed the blue and white robot's hand as they found somewhere to sit. They found a spot by the Rusties and sat down, waiting for the wedding to start. 

Moments later, music started to play on the piano, and everyone got quiet and waited. Up front was the priest and Bigweld, who was fixing his bowtie to look as presentable as possible. He was smiling wide, excited to be there. A little girl robot then threw flowers as she skipped down the aisle, and then the bridal march played. Everyone stood up then and turned to see Miss Fanny wearing a shiny wedding dress as she wobbled down the aisle toward the front of the chapel, and stood across from Bigweld while holding a bouquet. Everyone then sat down and listened respectfully as the priest said his words to wed Bigweld and Aunt Fanny. As this was going on, Ratchet couldnt help but glance at Rodney sitting beside him, and imagined that this was their wedding--their special day. 

Soon enough, Bigweld and Aunt Fanny said their I dos with emotion before falling into a kiss, and then everyone clapped for them. The wedding song played and robots in the pews tossed flowers at them as they went back down the aisle hand in hand. 

At the wedding reception, Rodney and Ratchet found the bride and groom. Rodney shook Bigweld's hand. "Congratulations, Mr. Bigweld! Aunt Fanny!"

"It was absolutely beautiful!" Ratchet added. 

Aunt Fanny giggled. "Thank you, kids! You are too kind!" 

"Glad that you guys stuck around," Bigweld added. "We're about to have the largest party Robot City has ever seen!" 

"Can't wait!" Rodney exclaimed. 

And what a party it was! There was a huge gathering in the banquet hall, with music played by Diesel (the song being Uptown Funk) and robots dancing together. A dance circle then formed where robots showed off their moves, like Piper and Fender with their sibling dance routine, and Lug breakdancing on the floor, and of course Aunt Fanny and Bigweld. Rodney pulled Ratchet into the center of the circle, catching him by surprise. He froze, unsure of what to do. But when he met Rodney's eyes, he felt confidence spring back in him and he danced like he never danced before! It was amazing!!

Like all parties do, it eventually came to an end. As the two robots left the chapel, everyone waved goodbye to them as Fanny and Bigweld got in the car and drove away with rusty cans attached to the back, going to celebrate their honeymoon. Rodney about turned and cleaned up after the party but then the Rusties stopped him. "Don't worry about it! We'll clean up!" 

"OH! Um, okay!" 

Ratchet looked at Rodney in the eyes and took his hand. "Let's go on a walk, Rodney." 

Rodney looked down at his hand before back at Ratchet. He then smiled at him. "Okay." 

Hand in hand, they walked down the sidewalk together. They were walking for a while in the night with the moon high in the sky, but didn't let go of each other's hands. They then walked across a bridge at the Robot City park and stopped there to admire the consellations in the sky. Well, at least one of them was. Ratchet stared at Rodney, blushing and feeling warm inside. Rodney noticed him staring and asked, "What?" 

"Nothing," Ratchet said. "It's just that..." He averted his eyes, getting embarassed. He then said, "It's just that after seeing Bigweld and Aunt Fanny get married, it made me think about you and me." 

Rodney raised a brow. "Getting married? Us?" 

"Yeah! I mean, think about it. We've been together for two years, and--" 


Ratchet froze. "What?" 

"Yes! Yes, I would love to marry you!" 

Without a second thought, Rodney threw himself onto Ratchet, wrapping his arms around his neck, and the silver robot wrapped his arms around his waist. "I love you, Ratchet." Rodney whispered.

Ratchet grinned from ear to ear. "I love you too." 

They fell into a deep kiss, and it was the most magical moment ever. The stars in the night sky glittered behind them as the moon glow was just right, putting a spotlight on the two robots and their love for each other. 

Soon, the robots made their way back home. On their way back, Ratchet and Rodney were hand in hand once again, excited to start a new chapter of their life and what else was there to come of it. 

The End <3

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