Crushing On You

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Rodney rushed outside and looked up and down the street, but there was so sign of the silver robot. He cupped the sides of his mouth with his hands and shouted "Ratchet!" his voice echoing through the neighborhood. He searched everywhere for him, and he found himself wandering toward Bigweld Industries. Wonderbot was still at the front doors per usual, and gave a little chime in greeting to it's maker. Rodney rushed over to it and asked, "Have you seen Ratchet at all?"

To Rodney's relief, Wonderbot nodded.

"Oh thank goodness. Where is he?"

Wonderbot gestured toward the entrance to the underground. Rodney gulped before thanking Wonderbot and rushed to the underground. It was pitch black down there other than the little bit of light from the sunset seeping through the cracks in the walls. He called Ratchet's name again and again, but to no response. Finally, he found him sitting among the pile of junk in the beaten down Chop Shop, his back facing the blue and white robot and his head hanged low. Frowning, Rodney walked over to him.

Ratchet heard the clunking of his feet from behind. "Go away, Rodney," he said. "Leave me be. It's better this way anyway."

Rodney arched his brows and stood beside him. "How much did you hear back there?" Not waiting for a response, he suddenly said, "That doesn't matter. You need to come back."

Ratchet shook his head. "No. You heard what he said. I'm not trustworthy. I'm a monster."

"That's not true."

"Then why won't he trust me? You trust me, don't you?"

Rodney was quiet for a second. It felt odd seeing Ratchet like this; so sensitive and beaten. He sat down beside him and was patient. "I trust you. I trust what you're doing right now is for good intentions, and I really do believe that you want to be better and show people that. But sometimes some people just won't accept your apology, and that's okay. You accept that they won't forgive you and move on. Simple as that."

Rodney took Ratchet's hand and looked at him. "You're doing a good job," Rodney added. "I'm so proud of you."

Ratchet looked at Rodney. There it was again. That warm feeling inside him that he seemed to get. Was he sick? Or was it something else? Like love? He remembered feeling something like this with Cappy. I mean, he flirted with her because they were both "hot" or something, so he thought that they were meant for each other. But Rodney...he made him feel different. He made him feel better about himself and he felt good around him. He encouraged him, and complimented him, and believed in him. Well, his mother did the same thing, but she was doing it all for the wrong reasons. Rodney was  doing it to make Ratchet a better person, not only for himself but for other people. And Ratchet, now after getting to know him a little better, started to like him too. He's strong, and smart, and funny, and kind. Even Ratchet was starting to think about him on a day to day basis...

Wait, does that mean he's attracted to Rodney? Does he seriously have a crush on him?

But how is that possible? He's clearly straight. They both have to be, right? After all, Ratchet was attracted to Cappy, and Rodney dated her for a while. He couldn't be gay! Right? Right???

When Rodney rubbed his hand, it was like a spark ignited inside of him, and comfort swept over him in an instant. With Rodney, it felt like everything was going to be okay.

Maybe he really was in love with Rodney.

Trying his best to ignore the heat spreading on his face, Ratchet nervously moved his hand away from Rodney, touching it. As much as it felt good to be holding his hand, he felt incredibly nervous. He laughed sheepishly before looking at Rodney again. "Thank you for believing in me," he said. "I won't let you down."

Rodney smiled at him but didn't say anything more.

A voice echoed in the dark of the Chop Shop. "Well, look at that! You two finally made up!"

Ratchet looked back and saw the silhouette of his hanging father wrapped in chains, and immediately was embarrassed. Did he see/hear all of that?

Rodney wasn't too embarrassed, however, and waved to him. "Hello again, Monsoir Gasket!"

Ratchet cleared his throat and tightened his tie. "We better head back. It's getting dark."

Rodney stood up and brushed himself with his hands. "I agree. Let's get out of here."

Ratchet stood up and well and followed Rodney out of the job shop, still blushing.

Now This is An Upgrade (Ratchet x Rodney)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang