Robot City

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It felt like it's been ages since Ratchet used his feet. It was so long since he walked that his legs practically felt limp and wobbly, almost like he forgot how to even use them. Eventually, however, he managed to get the hang of it again as he climbed out of the Underground, leaving his beloved father behind. 

When he stepped into the light of the sun, he had to block his eyes. It was so bright, especially considering that he was trapped in the dark for a while. Even then, the fruitful town of Robot City seemed to be just as alive as it was the day he left that degrading, dreadful civilization. When he took over Bigweld Industries, why, it was as though he had the ultimate power at his fingertips, where he could perfect that town however he wished. Ah, those were the good old days. Of course, that was before Rodney challenged him.  

It only left Ratchet wanting to hurry up and find him. Quickly. 

It wasn't difficult for Ratchet to blend in. Now that he had spent a long time in that dump, he practically looked just like the outmodes walking around in the streets. Still, Ratchet couldn't help but get disgusted at the revolting robots. To him, they were just wasted material that could've been used for something more improved. That was the only way to move forward, at least to him. 

As he was walking around, he noticed that the vacuums he made that polished the streets were no longer parading down, sucking up outmodes and storing them for the Chop Shop. Many of them were used for that fight against the rusties, he remembered, but he didn't think that they were all gone. In a way, it was very saddening. 

"Hey, buddy!" 

An old sounding voice came from behind him, and Ratchet turned around to see that a short, elderly-looking robot came up to him. Ratchet made a disgusted face, yet the robot didn't seem to notice it. 

"I see that yer arm is loose. You oughta see somebody for that!" 

That was when Ratchet smiled. This was his chance! 

"I was actually looking for somebody," Ratchet confessed. "Tell me, do you know where I can find a 'Rodney Copperbottom' anywhere?" 

The robot scratched his chin. "Well, he's mostly over at Bigweld's, but during this time, he'll probably be at his workshop. He spends the entire evening fixing robots and giving out parts to them. He's such a charming bot, always helping others." 

"Excellent," Ratchet hissed to himself. He cleared his throat. "Do you think you can tell me the way?" 

"Sure! It's right over there."

The robot pointed over to a certain building nearby. From where they were, it looked like there were quite a few robots lined up outside. They also looked a little roughed up, and were missing parts or had broken pieces, much like Ratchet. He cringed. Yet, at the same time, he felt a little excited.

Without saying another word to the older robot, Ratchet walked over to the building, getting in line. As much as he wanted to see Rodney as soon as possible, he had to keep his guard low. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice him. Which was also kind of a problem, as it brought down his ego. But without his upgraded parts, it made him almost unrecognizable.

The line gradually got longer as time went on, and Ratchet only got closer to the door. It was so close but yet so far away.

When he was the next one in, Ratchet could barely contain himself. He peering through the window and saw Rodney the mechanic himself, using a wrench to crank something onto the robot's neck. Ratchet stepped back and frowned, wondering if he should really go along with this.

A few minutes later, still wonderinf what to do, the robot that was there walked out the door, leaving Ratchet without much of a choice.

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