This Is Just The Beginning

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 A/N: Don't mind the pictures guys I can't find any good ones to use 💀 lol actually pretend that Madame Gasket is Rodney hehe

After that, they all went home. Even Monsoir Gasket, who had hanged in thr Chop Shop for years, decided that it was finally his time to leave this wretched place, and with the help of his son, Rodney, and Fender, they managed to help him down. Because he had stayed up their for a long time, and was practically withered down to his core, he could barely walk, so Ratchet and Rodney helped carry him out of the Underground. 

"Thank you boys," he said to both of them. "You both are real treasures." 

"I'll fix you once we get back to the surface, Monsoir Gasket," Rodney offered. "If Ratchet can help me." 

Ratchet gasped before smiling at the blue robot. 

The sun was shining by the time they left the Chop Shop. When they made it back to Aunt Fanny's, Ratchet was a little nervous to go in, worried that they would shoot him away. But when Rodney gave him a reassuring look, he took a deep breath and felt confident again. 

Fender rang the doorbell and it was Piper who answered the door. She looked surprised and relieved at the same time. "Where were you guys? We looked all over for you." She then turned to Ratchet's father and squinted her eyes. "Wait, is that..."

"It's Monsoir Gasket," Fender told her. "He's a little rough around the edges--no offense mister--but Rodney and Ratchet agreed to fix him up again!" 

"Well isn't that sweet?" Miss Fanny commented, overhearing. "Come inside all of you and have some breakfast!" 

So they all went inside and had breakfast.

The following week went by quickly. Ratchet and Rodney took Monsoir Gasket to Rodney's workshop and we're able to gather the parts they needed to fix him up. It was a fun experience for all of them, as Gasket told Rodney all about Ratchet's childhood, among other things that bonded them closer together. Once they were finished, Monsoir Gasket went to the mirror and looked at himself. With a new and improved body, he was over the moon! He hugged them both as a thank you. 

He looked at his hands. "Wow. You really outdid yourself, Rodney Copper bottom."

Rodney smiled proudly. "Thanks! And don't worry, it's on the house!" 

Excited, Monsoir Gasket went off to show his body to Robot City. Rodney stood next to Ratchet with crossed arms and looked at him. "I liked your use of technique back there," he told him. "I've actually never seen you out together anything before. Just your blueprints."

"What are you getting at?" 

Rodney smiled at him. "You're a very creative man, Ratchet," he said. "How would you feel if I asked you to be my business partner?" 

At first he thought that he was joking. Ratchet said, "Are you serious?" 

"Yes! Besides, I'd love to see those inventor ideas of yours actually in physical form. I'm sure that once Bigweld sees them, he would agree. What do you think?" 

Ratchet thought for a moment. He tried to find some lie under what Rodney said, but all he found was genuine fondness. Ratchet, in the end, agreed. "That would be wonderful."

After talking with Bigweld it, Ratchet was back to working in Bigweld Industries, and not only became an official inventor under the company again, but got to work alongside Rodney. He had never felt more complete and sure in his life, and found himself laughing and smiling almost every day. Rodney and Ratchet's relationship blossomed from them on, and they not only worked as business partners but as lovers. Soon enough, they both moved out from the comfort of Aunt Fanny's and into a home for themselves, where they would continue to stir ideas and bond closer than ever. This was more than a happy ending that Ratchet could've hoped for. In fact, he was confident to say that it was an upgrade. A true upgrade. And this was only the beginning of their story together. 

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