The wedding of the Wellerman

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In the land of the living

Hildegarde came in the dinning room with a tiny wedding cake in hand. "Oh dear." She muttered while walking towards the table.

The table was dead silents, nothing could be heard but a man's snoring. It was then intrupted by Lady Julie when she spoke. "Quiet down now, everyone" Lady Julie instructed, making the man wake up. Harvey and Helan both looked at her with a confused and jugding look. "Thank you. Elegant, cultured, radiant. Howdy has found a wife... with all these qualities and more. Serendipity bought us together... and no force on earth can tear us apart."

Right after she said that the fire behind her and Howdy grew bigger and turned green. Everyone looked at eachother in confusion until the rest of the family, expect Harvey and Helan saw skeletons and a dog creeping up behind them.

Barnaby was right behind Harvey with a mischievous smile. Suddenly his eye fell out, bounce off of Harvey's head and landed in his soup.

Harvey scooped it out and looked at it. "There's an eye in me soup."

The sight made one of the lady scream and it made everyone else scream while getting up,  knocking the table in the process. Panic arose and everyone ran for their lives, even though the dead weren't even a threat.

The exact same woman who screamed, screamed again when she accidentally bumped into Sally." Oh, sorry" she apologized.

Lady Julie grabbed Howdy for protection but shoved him aside and hid under the table. Howdy glared at the woman in anger.

Helan was on top of a chair in fright while Cage was barking happily at her.

"Fetch me musket!" Harvey intrusted Bernie.

"Fetch your own musket, I'm off!" Bernie said while putting his hat on and ran out the door.

"Coming through, coming through!" Paul yelled while passing under the chucky lady's dress.

Lady Julie was hiding under the table, until she heard giggling. She looked beside her and gasped in horror whe she saw Tommy and Charlotte.

Maggot was currently the man with a long beard. "Excuse me, you don't know me, but I used to lived inside your dead mother" he explained. The man screamed in horror and ran off.

The chucky lady was currently running away from Barnaby. "Hey, hold on there, I love a woman with meat on her bones." He said and ran off to get the lady.

Meanwhile, Harvey and Helan were on the stairs while looking at all the chaos. "Harvey, who invitied these people?" She asked him. "They must be from your side of the family."

"Certainly not! Why, if my Grandfather Pillar could see this, he'd be turing in his grave" Harvey commented.

"Harvey!" A voice called out making Harvey and Helan freeze and turned around to look at the painting. The suddenly a skeleton came beside it, showing them he was Grandfather Pillar. "Where do you keep the spirits?"
He asked him while shaking his glass.

Harvey and Helan looked at the dead relative for three seconds, they then screamed and ran towards a room, slamming the door shut.

Everyone ran out of the house and onto the streets passing by James the town's crier.

"In other news, THE DEAD WALKS THE EARTH!!" He screamed.

A woman opened her window, screaming in horror when a whole bunch of skeletons invaded her home.

Skeletons walked towards the butchers while they lead their butcher knives for protection.

A well dressed skeleton was infront an old lady and his friends beside him. "Get back! Don't try and sneak up on me! Get back!" She yelled while swinging her. "I'll give you such a wallop!"

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