New arrival

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Back at the land of the dead, both Wally and Y/n were really enjoying eachothers converastion. They had a pretty great time.

"Wait so when you five you did what?" Y/n asked him.

"At five, I pranked one of the servants with a frog, which I hidden it in my pants" Wally said, making them both laugh.

Y/n sigh dreamily at Wally, Wally was all she wished in a husband, loving, caring, understandable and everything else. How could someone like her be lucky to 'accidently' married him. Wally saw her looking at him.

"What, what is it?" He asked.

"How do you feel about having my last name as yours?" Smiling.

"Very honored if not, but about my last name?" Wally replied.

"I was kind of thinking of putting it along with my last name, how does Darling Wellerman sounds to you?" Y/n asked.

"I think its amazing" Wally said happily. As they enjoyed the moment it was cut off by poppy and the others shouting.

"New arrival!"

"New arrival!"

"Lights up!"

"Wow! People down here really are excited for new comers, huh?" Y/n asked wally.

"Yup, we are very welcoming to new arrival" Wally said.

"Hurry up, boys! Vite, vite. Bonjour! Bienvenu! Drinks for everybody! Another pint, sir?" Paul asks the customer.

Y/n looked to see who was the know comer, then knew who he was. She along wally walked to the new arrival.

"Mayhew? Is that you?" She asked the corpse and when he turned, y/n was right it was Mayhew but died.

"Y/n! You are alright!" He said happily as the two hugged, wally smiled at the happy sight. When they parted. Mayhew saw Wally and looked at Y/n.

"Hurry up boys! Can you not see the gentlemen is parched?" Paul said.

The roaches held a bottle and opened it with a skull, pouring a strange liquid in a cup. And hand it to Mayhew who drank it happily.

"So its true? You are really married to a corpse?" He asked while looking at Wally.

"Oh, yea, Mayhew this is Wally my husband, Wally this is Mayhew my ex-chofer" Y/n intrusted them.

"Please to meet you, my kind sir" Wally said to Mayhew.

"Honor is my, my y/n, you definietly choose an amazing man, your parents would love to meet me" Mayhew said.

"Speaking of that, how is everything up there? Are they alright?" Y/n asked him.

"Kind of? After I pass, they were looking for you and your husband here to meet them. Oh, and uh... Howdy Pillar" Mayhew trailed off.

"Oh what news is there about him?" Y/n asked still angry at him.

"Well, he is getting married this even"

"He is? Wait who is he marrying to?" She asked cruise.

"Some newcomer, Lady somebody-or-something?" Mayhew said.

"Yikes, now that's some news there" Y/n said.

"Well with you calling it off, I guess they didn't wanted the cake go to waste" Mayhew jokingly said making y/n look at him.

"Too soon, Mayhew" she said.

"Sorry, hey at least you have the one who ignited your spark" he added. Then a drunk skeleton came.

"Marriage is a strange thing to hap- *hic* " then the skeleton broke into pieces. Making the two laugh.

Wally smiled at the two, he couldn't be more happy to see his wife loving smile.

Then Frank came looking for wally, he saw him.

"Wally, I need to speak with you"

The land of the living

"Mr. Howdy, we must leave for the church now" his maid said. Howdy was seen still shocked and sad.

"Yesterday I thought my wedding would be happy, bow I feel like I'm caught in the tide, pulled out to sea" Howdy mumbled.

"The sea leads to many places, dearie, maybe you'll land somewhere better" Hildgrade told him.


"With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine" Lady Julie said as she put the ring on Howdy's hand.

"I now pronounce you man and wife" Pastor Galswell announced.

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