(R.M) I Love You

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     (Y/n) runs back into Granny's, followed by Emma and Killian. All three out of breath as they just came back from the past. (Y/n) smiles as she sees Emma make her way over to her family, finally embracing them fully as her own.

The woman smiles, and takes a seat at the countertop table. Ruby approaches the girl and gives her a soft smile, "Hey (Y/n), what can I get for you?"

"I'll take a scotch on the rocks please."

"You got it." Ruby smiles, and heads off to get the woman's drink.

(Y/n) looks around and her eyes fall on the woman the trio brought back from the enchanted forest. (Y/n) just knew something was off with her. She and Killian had tried to convince Emma to leave the woman there. She was meant to be executed, but Emma needing to be the hero, saved her.

Ruby came over to (Y/n) with her whiskey and (Y/n) gave her a small 'thank you' as she took a sip from the glass. (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling something bad was going to come from this. (Y/n) notices Killian and Emma sitting with the strange woman when suddenly the bell above the door rings, signaling someone is here.

Robin Hood, his son Roland, and Regina walk into the diner. (Y/n) notices the woman go stiff at the sight of Regina, and Emma goes in to reassure her that Regina has changed.

(Y/n) makes her way over and looks at the woman, "Are you okay?"

She nods, feeling comforted since (Y/n) helped rescue her, "I will be."

Emma brings Regina over to the woman, and tries to introduce the two. "Regina, I'd like you to meet-"

"Marian?" Robin Hood's voice rings out. (Y/n) immediately freezes. Of course, how could she forget? Marian was the name of Robin's wife. How did she not put that together?

(Y/n) looks over to Regina and sees a confused look on the woman's face. (Y/n) wants to rush over to the woman and escort her out of the diner, because she knows what's coming.

"Robin?" The woman gasps.

"I thought you were dead. I thought I'd never see you again." Robin looks at Marian with a strong sense of love and adoration in his eyes.

"And I you!"

(Y/n) couldn't tear her eyes off of Regina. The look of confusion and hurt overtaking her face. The man she's in love with just got reunited with his dead wife. All because (Y/n) couldn't convince Emma to leave the woman where she belonged.

Regina's hurt turned into anger as she looked over at Emma, "You," the woman breathes out. "You did this?"

Emma looks at the woman, shocked by the scene playing out in front of her. "I just... wanted to save her life." The blonde mumbles.

Regina shakes her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're just like your mother. Never thinking of consequences."

"I didn't know-" Emma tries to explain herself.

"Of course you didn't." Regina snaps, "Well, you just better hope to hell you didn't bring anything else back."

Regina turned away, giving Robin and his wife one last fleeting look as she made her way out the door. (Y/n) immediately puts her drink down, placing the exact change in the counter, and chases after the woman.

"Regina!" (Y/n) yells, "Regina, wait!"

(Y/n) runs up to the woman who looks like her heart had just been ripped out and stomped on. "What?" The raven haired woman snaps.

(Y/n) grabs the woman's hands, "Come on." She says, as she leads the woman down the street.

"Where are we going?"

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