(S.S) Finally

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"You shouldn't be enjoying this so much." The (h/c) girl said to her best friend.

"It's not that I'm enjoying it. It's just that there's finally something interesting happening in this town!" Stiles exclaims excitedly.

"Right. Scott being bit by a werewolf is definitely 'exciting.'" She rolls her eyes.

Looking at her, "You're boring you know that?"

Smirking at the boy. "I'm not boring. I just have a better sense of what is interesting and what's life threatening. Something you clearly have trouble understanding."

"Whatever." He scoffs.

The two walk into their Chemistry classroom with their teacher Mr. Harris who has no problem glaring at the two as they walk in.

"I'm surprised his eyes aren't permanently stuck like that." (Y/n) says, mimicking Harris's glare.

Stiles laughs at the girls comment. "One day it will. I'm sure of it."

Stiles sits in his respective seat next to Scott, and (Y/n) sits in the empty seat behind them. The trio looks to the door and notices Jackson Whittemore walk in. The blonde boy gets a small smirk on his face when he sees that the seat next to (Y/n) is empty.

He saunters over and takes the seat next to her, "Hey (Y/n). You look good today."

"Thanks Jackson. But did you see Lydia's outfit? She looks fantastic." (Y/n) says, trying to shift focus on the boys girlfriend.

"Yeah, but green isn't really her color." He looks the girl up and down. "It's definitely yours though."

(Y/n) shifts uncomfortably, "I didn't realize you had a connection to green."

"Yeah. I don't know what it is. I just love green. There's just something about it." He smirks.

While Jackson flirts up (Y/n), Stiles can't help but notice how uncomfortable the girl is. "Hey Scott, can you listen in on there conversation?"

"Why?" Scott looks at him confused.

"Look at (Y/n). She looks uncomfortable doesn't she?"

Scott turns around and notices Jackson getting closer to (Y/n). He sighs, "Okay, just give me a second."

Scott furrows his eyebrows and concentrates on the conversation behind him.

"What are they saying?" Stiles looks at his male best friend concerned.

"He's just commenting on how pretty she looks in green. She's trying to make it about Lydia but he keeps talking about her."

Stiles clenches his jaw and makes his hand into a fist. "What's this guys deal?"

"I mean it's good news in a way isn't it? If he's after (Y/n) you can finally try with Lydia."

Stiles huffs and sinks down in his chair. He hasn't told anyone, but his crush on Lydia ended in like seventh grade. He doesn't know why, but it might be something to do with the (e/c) eyed girl behind him.

"Dude what's going on with you?" Scott looks at him concerned.

"I just don't like (Y/n) being in that position. It makes me uncomfortable."

"So what do you say you and I go to my house after school? Study date and all that." Jackson winks at the girl.

"Um, no offense Jackson but I'm not interested."(Y/n) says irritated. "And you have a girlfriend."

Stiles silently celebrates hearing the girl turn down Jackson. But the blonde boy still persists. "C'mon don't be a prude. Lydia won't mind." He says slipping his hand onto her thigh.

Stiles sees this and gets up, "Hey dude back off-" he tries to say but is cut off by (Y/n) taking Jackson's hand and squeezing it until they hear a crack.

Jackson whimpers, "You just broke my hand you bitch."

She smiles at his misfortune and winks at him. "I know. Maybe that'll teach you to keep your hands to yourself."

The bell rings and (Y/n) walks out. She hears Jackson going up to Mr. Harris complaining about his hand. She shakes her head and smirks. Stiles and Scott follow after the girl.

"Are you ok?" Stiles asks her immediately.

"Yes Stiles, I'm fine. Just Jackson being a douche like usual."

"Are you going to tell Lydia?" Scott looks at her.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean she's going to listen. Stiles especially knows how In love she is with him."

Stiles sighs and shakes his head, "I actually don't know anymore."

Scott looks at the boy confused, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not really into Lydia like that anymore."

"Why not?" (Y/n) looks at him with her curious eyes.

"I uh, just kinda moved on I guess." The brunette boy shrugs his shoulders.

Scott looks over to his left and notices Allison Argent he smiles and looks at his friends, "Sorry guys, but my lady awaits."

The two friends wave him off as he approaches his girlfriend. "They're so cute." (Y/n) points out.

"Yeah." Stiles says, sadly.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) looks at him worried.

"Have you wanted to tell someone something so bad but you're afraid it'll ruin everything?"

(Y/n) looks down at her feet, knowing exactly what that feels like. She has a perfect life with her and her two best friends. But if you were to ask her she would tell you she's definitely more interested in the boy standing next to her.

"Yeah. I know how that feels."

He looks into her eyes and can't help but relax. His mind eases when he's with her. She has helped him in some of his hardest times. That's why he fell in love with her.

"I need to tell you something." He says grabbing the girls hand, stopping them in the middle of the hallway.

She looks at him and furrows her eyebrows, "what's going on?"

"Look, I know this is kind of out of the blue and it's probably really weird and you probably don't even feel the same but-"

"Stiles, get to the point." She says smiling, knowing he rambles a lot.

"Right. Sorry. Um..." He takes a breath and runs a hand over his buzz cut. "I like you."

She smiles and punches his shoulder. "I like you too."

"No. Not just as friends. Like more than friends. Way more than friends." He looks at her nervously.

(Y/n)'s face goes blank, and she stares at the boy. Noticing her lack of emotion the boy starts to freak out.

"I'm sorry, I knew this was a bad idea. You probably feel super awkward and uncomfortable. I feel awkward and uncomfortable. I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore. This is on me. I hope we can move on from this. You know what just forget-"

The girl crashes her lips onto his, instantly calming him down. He kisses her back and the rest of the world fades away. It's just the two of them, enjoying the presence of one another.


The two break apart and look around, noticing their best friend cheering from Allison's locker. Allison looks at (Y/n) and laughs at the girl's embarrassed face. She gives (Y/n) a thumbs up to encourage her, and it does.

She looks back at Stiles, "I like you too... More than a friend."

Stiles smiles excitedly and wraps his arms around the girl. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that."

She kisses him on the cheek, "I'm happy too, trust me."

Stiles looks over at Scott and the two run to each other. High diving and running into each others arms. (Y/n) laughs at the boys antics, and can't help but think to herself. Finally.

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