(S.M.) The Truth pt. 2

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     The next day (Y/n) wakes up feeling this weight on her chest. Even though she finally revealed her secret, she still felt heavy. She rolls out of bed and drags herself to her closet. She puts on her black ripped jeans, her oversized Panic at the Disco t-shirt, and her black doc martens.

She walks out of her room and down the stairs into the kitchen and saw a note her mom left her. It read "hey sweetie, you seemed quite beat up when you got home last night. I hope the reveal went well with Scott and Stiles. I just wanted to let you know I have a business trip that I'm leaving for this afternoon. I would've told you but I didn't want to wake you. I'll only be gone 3 days, so I left about $300 on the counter just in case you didn't feel like cooking. I love you, call me if you need anything."

(Y/n) sighed, now even more upset that she'd be alone for three days. She knew Scott wouldn't be up to keeping her company, considering he hadn't uttered a word to her since last night. She also didn't know where Stiles headspace was at since he hasn't reached out either. Shaking her head, (Y/n) tries to be positive about the situation. Instead of sitting on the couch eating ice cream until the boys reached out. The girl walked to the fridge and grabbed some fruit, yogurt, and granola. She was going to go for a run. She was going to clear her head and go give a proper explanation to her friends.

The (y/h/c) haired girl put on her backpack that held her food and extra water. Then she left her house and started jogging. She jogged for about thirty minutes and all of a suddenly went into a full on sprint. She could hear this pumping in the air that seemed to be luring her. She followed the pumping beat and as she was running she started noticing where she was. She was near Stiles house. As she got closer she heard voices. The two voices she longed to hear. Scott and Stiles. The girl slowed down as she approached the boys house. She walked up to his front door and knocked.

Footsteps rustled behind the door and it swung open to reveal a laughing Stiles. He looks towards the door and his smile turns into confusion. "(Y/n)?"

"Hey." The girl says shyly. "I know I should've called or texted, but I just woke up this morning feeling super guilty. And I really want to explain why I did what I did."

Stiles awkwardly stands their for a second and looks back at Scott, who seems to be contemplating, but ultimately the boy nods at Stiles signaling he's ready to talk to the girl.

"Come in." Stiles says, smiling gently.

(Y/n) walks in the house and hesitantly walks over to the couch. Scott looks at the girl and notices her nervousness. He gives the girl a half smile hoping it'll ease her nerves a little. She smiles back appreciating the boys efforts in making her feel better. Stiles come behind her and sits down on the couch.

"You know you can sit down right?" Stiles says, jokingly. "I mean you pretty much lived here every time your mom had to go on a business trip."

(Y/n) awkwardly laughs and goes to sit down on the right side of Scott since Stiles was on his left. The girl messes with the ring on her hand that her mom gifted her when she was younger. It was always the little thing she did when she felt anxious.

She tries to speak but she can feel her anxiety and panic rising as each second passes. She starts fidgeting with her ring turning it as she tries to figure out what to say. She can feel her heart thumping faster, and the tears welling up in her eyes. This doesn't go unnoticed by Scott who puts his hand on hers.

"Hey. It's ok." He soothes her. "We're here to listen. And I'm sorry about how I initially reacted yesterday. I know that's probably part of why you were so nervous to talk about it in the first place."

(Y/n) just looks at the boy, shocked that he was the one apologizing. "Scott, you don't have to be sorry. I kept this from you. From both of you, for so long. I should've just told you when you got bit by Peter. But I didn't, I was selfish." She looks at her best friends, "And I wasn't honest. I broke our vow to each other. So it's finally time for me to be one hundred percent honest with both of you. I owe you guys an explanation on why I kept this for so long." 

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