𝟏𝟐 | 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 & 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐞

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

"Fushiguro was it? What type of girls do you like?" This sudden question caused confusion among the first years, "Depending on your answer, I might beat you half to death right here and drag Okkotsu, or at least the third-year, out to the exchange event. By the way, my type is a tall girl with a big ass."

"Why do I have to talk about my taste in women with a guy I just met?" 

"He's right. That's a tall hurdle for an antisocial guy," Nobara spoke. 

"Shut up, the situation is bad enough without you complicating it." 

"Kyoto, third-year, Todo Aoi. Introduction over. Now we're friends. Hurry up and answer, if you prefer men, that's fine too. A person's taste reveals everything about them. Guys who have boring taste in women are boring themselves. And I hate boring men. The exchange event is where my soul can be free as blood boils and flesh clashes. Who knows what I might do if my last exchange event ends up being boring?" 

"Hey, aren't the Jujutsu Tech schools four-year schools?" Nobara asked Megumi. 

"Only third-years and under can join the exchange event." 


"As a token of my kindness, I'll let you off only half-dead right now. Answer me, Fushiguro. What type of girls do you like?" 

"Is this some kind of comedy routine?" Megumi questions. He then thought of you, remembering how you always stayed by his side and protected him. He wanted to do the same thing for you, "I don't have a particular preference. As long as the person has an unshakeable character, I won't ask for more." 

"Good answer. If you had said something like 'big boobs', I'd have killed you myself." 

"Shut it."

Todo then had tears coming out of his eyes, "I knew it. You're boring, Fushiguro." Todo immediately went to attack him right after he said those words sending Megumi flying a good few meters. 

"Fushiguro!" As Nobara was about to go help her classmate Mai came up behind with a pistol. 

Back to Todo and Megumi, he was able to get up from that assault. 

"I knew at first glance that you'd be a boring guy. But you shouldn't judge a person by their looks, right? So I went out of my way to ask you, but you just trampled all over my kindness." 

This caused Megumi to become annoyed as he just called you boring too, "Is your brain as pineapple as your head? I hear you refuse to use your cursed technique." 

"Oh, that's just a rumour. I used it against the special grade." 

This answer frightened Megumi a bit, "Well, that's a relief! Nue, plus Toad! Bottomless well." He summoned his ten shadows technique. 

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