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Pip's pov

'Hey Sarge, remember me?'

'omg, yes Ravi! I am coming home tomorrow!'

No response. He didn't even see the message.

Must be busy! Okay! Time to pack!

*Time skip to home*

I am home, I will first go to mom and hug josh!

She knocked thrice

"Who is it!, Uhm, pardon me whoa re you?"

"Mom? It's me, your daughter!"

"I don't have a daughter...."

Pip burst out laughing " Mom you really got me there, stop pranking me! Josh!"

"Excuse me?, Please don't touch me and how do you know my son's name?" Her mother had a serious and confused look on her face

"I'll come later."

"I would prefer if you never came" and her mother slammed the door in her face.

Pip was dumbfounded, but went to Cara's.

She knocked twice.


"Hey Cara! I am finally back!"

"I don't think I know you.... Are you a friend of Naomi's?"

"Oh you are pranking me like my mum!, And yeah I am a friend of Naomi's but I am your best friend?"

"I don't know you at all? Let me call Naomi"

"Uhm, okay?"

"Naomi? Is this your friend?"

Naomi came to the door.

"Who the fuxk is this Cara?"

"I have no clue"

"Guys, it's me? Pip?"

"We have no fuxking clue who you are, so fuxking leave." Naomi said and slammed the door in her face.

Ravi remembers her, he messaged her this morning

She knocked four times


"Ravi!" She went in for a hug but Ravi just stepped back

"Excuse me? Who are you?"

"Ravi? It's me pip, look everyone I know says they don't know me just please Ravi, don't play with their games and tell me do you know me? You do right?"

"I am really sorry, but I have absolutely no clue who you are"

"R-ravi, uhm, check, you messaged a number this morning"

"Which?" Ravi pulled out his phone

"It's 0•••••••••••••"

"Yeah, uhm idk why I messaged this but I really don't know who this is and who you are"

*Think Pippa think.*

"Oh remember the girl who helped you solve Andie and sal's case?"

"No... The police found out eventually"

"R-remember the  g-girl who- never mind"

"Yeah okay bye" Ravi slammed the door in her face.

She was dumbfounded, screaming, crying, shouting, anything for all she cared. She had to find someone who remembered her.

So she went to the one place where she would be recognized.

"Hello Eliza"

"Oh, pardon me do I know you?"

"Probably not j-just call DI Hawkins for me please "

"Okay....." Eliza's voice faded and DI Hawkins came out

"Hello, uhm, I don't think I have seen you from around town? Uhm what's wrong?"

"I am Pippa Fitz Amobi"

"I am unsure of that name"

"You have my picture and fingerprints in your file. I need you to help me"

Hawkins was very confused, she could see.

"I can't just let you see someone's profile"

"THEN DONT SHOW ME!" Pip had been furious with him before, he knows her

"Just- just align the fingerprints"

"Okay...., Follow me."

And she went.


Authors note

Word count: 522

I know this is really really small but thank so all so much for supporting my last story, and I have been preparing this for a long time, sure it's a bit darker, but it's worth it! I will try to keep a goal of 2000 words minimum for the next part, stay tuned!

Stay safe everyone!

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