reporters and a break-in

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(we're in season 1 by the way and we do have our memories from reading the manga so yes we do know everything that's going to happen but things are scarier when they happen in person and you can actually die though of course  doesn't care because she is supposed to be like me personality wise I'm uncreative okay)

"Hey you can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with all might?" Great it's already the day we're reporters are surrounding the school, and because of shigaraki they're going to be able to get into the school, and I don't want to have to deal with that. "Sorry but I have to get to class right now, though if you really want something to talk about.'oh I'm about to end this man's whole career' he had to read from a pamphlet to know what to tell us, like an already planned schedule unlike Mr aizawa who just knew what to do." Said hoping to create some chaos. "Please tell us more you're the only one to have answered our questions so far, wait!" And with that I left to let them berate the other students.

The school went to shut down after the reporter tried coming into the school, but of course it didn't work out for them now did it. He continue on with our day doing classes even though I know full well what's coming when lunch comes. I'm sitting next to Ayoyama in the class and even though I know he's the traitor I don't want to spoil it, he's one of my favorite characters and he's just so ✨shiny✨ 🦀, but I know full well I'll have to deal with the consequence of that later.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo." When he had said baka goes name you can hear a loud tch from bakugo "your talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?" When aizawa finished directing his question lock go ahead responded with a "yeah, whatever." He said that, aizawa said "And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse, you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it." Google let out an excited gasp before aizawa continued "So show a little urgency, huh." Does he had finished izuku responded by saying "Right!" With the sound of determination. "Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." I knew everyone was thinking "is it another quirk test?" But I already knew what it was going to be. "You all need to pick a class representative." And after  aizawa said that you could feel the sigh of relief all over the classroom. But after that everyone started saying pick me pick me however I wouldn't deny, I kind of wanted to be class rep but I shouldn't mess up the timeline... Hey guys I'd be happy to be class rep, and I'd be sure to ensure the safety and well-being of my fellow classmates." One looked at me like I was crazy "are you being... Respectable?" I gave denki a look of annoyance when he said that. After Iida goes over his little speech we get to voting.

Choose to vote iida, knowing that he'll end up as class representative anyway. What happens next shocks me. 'Y/N Todoroki - 4   Izuku Midoriya - 2. I'm the class representative, and I'm willing to bet everybody noticed my very shocked face. "What? Who voted for me‽" I say shock laced in my voice look around and only see shoto's, Izuku's, and Iida's hand raised so I can see izuku is also shocked at the fact that he's co-representative. "All right the class rep is Y/N and the co is midoriya." Aizawa says before izuku says "really? Uh. It's not a mistake?" "Don't worry izuku I'm sure you'll do great"I say hoping to encourage him, he still looks really worried.
"Yeah this might not be so bad 'kero'." Tse says "Yeah I can get behind Y/N as president." Kiri says.

Ochaco sighs "always so crowded in here!" "That's because students in the support, management, and hero course all share the same cafeteria." I watch as ochaco enjoys her Rice bowl "guys, I'm kind of worried about the co class rep thing, I don't think I'm qualified." Izuku says "Hey don't sweat it I think you're going to do great." I say kindness laced in my voice.

"My main concern is that, I'm not going to be qualified to do this." I say "nonsense, you're very carefree and yet you choose to do things in a very careful way. You're perfect for a leading role." Iida says, though it doesn't make me feel any more confident. "If both me and midoriya voted for you then you must be great." Iida stated. "Well actually Iida, I voted for you." Iida nearly choked on his food. "You voted for me. Well I'm very happy at that, and that you believe I'd be a good class representative." Adidas stated sounding a bit more calm than he was before. Eventually Iida accidentally slips that his family owns an agency and they go over the whole talking thing, though of course I'm not very surprised. Can't deny, I feel inspired by Iida.

Soon the alarm goes off. "Warning. Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly ashion." Once that announcement finishes, everyone is clearly freaking out and trying to rush to get out. Going into the hallway where I'll get crushed. I choose to stay in the lunchroom. I know full well that it is going to go on with iida to the stop sign, and because of that izuku will make him class representative though since now I'm class representative it would be co-class representative.

Eventually I hear police sirens which means that the press are going to be out of here soon. And so I head back to the one a room to watch izuku give up his status. "I thought a lot about this. And I think that Tenya Iida should be our co class rep! He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!" Soon everyone agrees and Iida is the new co-class representative, which I'm fine with. I'm happy being the class representative.

I keep going with class rep duties knowing full well, that the heroes are wondering how the press got through the walls. I really wish I could tell them it was shigaraki, but I can't say that without drawing suspicion so for now, I'll be quiet.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, all might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Some students gasp will others stay silent, me being one of them to stay silent. "Sir, what kind of training is this." Saro asks only for aizawa to show a card saying rescue in English. "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." The whole class starts bustling into chatter. "Guys, I'm not finished yet." Loud gasps can be heard from all over the room. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes... But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." I already know that my outfit works wonders, and doesn't limit my abilities at all, as well as provides weapons for me. Almost definitely be wearing it at the USJ.

I see izuku walking out with PE clothes, some gloves, as well as a mask but that's it. I see Eda trying to direct us all into the bus properly, but I know that it won't work since the bus is a rearranged in a different type of way. After the whole fiasco with izuku's power being similar to all might's we start talking about quirks to which I unfortunately get people talking by saying "my quirk is flashy and strong but it can be seen as scary, after all sirens are commonly known for killing sailors, not saving people." "What! No way stereotypes like that just aren't cool, and besides you've shown that you are a great person to save people." Kirashima interjects, and after a bit more arguing we arrive at the USJ.

"Hello, everyone, I've been waiting for you!" There's a loud audible gasp within the students. Ochaco and izuku fanning over 13. "I can't wait to show you what's inside." 13 says "this is going to be awesome!" Is shouted by the class. Loud gasps can be heard as we enter the facility. As 13 is going on a monologue, and both her and aizawa are explaining the place after explaining how all might will not be here. Mainly just focusing on the water fountain waiting for the black, purplish mist to appear.

Soon an electrical charge shocks through the usj, thus turning off all the lights. The water in the fountain, I was watching, turns off and on and off and slowly a warp gate that is black and purple starts forming. I know exactly what this means and what this will lead to. I just hope that maybe I can protect Aizawa and prevent too many injuries. Soon a hand comes out of the warp gate that's pulling it apart and showing a face covered by a hand with shaggy silver bluish hair. Soon aizawa give us instructions to stay, and for 13 to protect us. I know that won't mean much as kiriguri will be able to warp us anywhere he wants. Soon villains come piling out of the portal. And eventually nomu comes out of the portal, and even though I knew this was going to happen it still sends shivers down my spine.

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