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"I have no mouth" Regular
'But I need to scream' Thoughts
I must not lose myself Flashback
Or they will come Visions of the future

Now us and Khal Drogo's khalasar travelling through a field. Myself, Daenerys, and Jorah were on horseback. Daenerys was apart from the main procession. Jorah goes over to her. "You need to drink, child. And eat." He then handed her a piece of horse jerky. "Isn't there anything else?" She asks, Jorah then responds, "The Dothraki have two things in abundance: grass and horses. People can't live on grass." She then reluctantly ate the jerky.

"In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything. That's the way the world will end." Jorah told us. Daenerys had looked at Drogo with an unease. Jorah looked to her but I then stated "It'll get easier" Daenerys looked unconvinced as we all rejoined the khalasar and resumed riding.

Eventually we had reached the Dothraki camp. where various Dothraki are tending to various tasks. Jorah and myself, along with Doreah and Irri - two of Daenerys' new handmaidens - help Daenerys off her horse and escort her to a nearby tent. But Viserys had walked up to me and Jorah. "We're still not far from Pentos, Your Grace. Magister Illyrio has extended his hospitality. You'd be more comfortable there." Jorah spoke.

"I believe it would be wise to go there brother, for accompanying the Dothraki might not bode well for you" I added. "I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfils his end of the bargain and I have my crown." Viserys responded. "As you wish, Your Grace." Jorah said. Viserys turned towards me and then back to Jorah.

"Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, I suppose it is preferable to beheading. What did Ned Stark want you for? Buying from a slaver?" He asked. "Selling to one...some poachers I caught on my land." Jorah had said. I had slightly grinned at this statement and later Viserys did as well. "Under my reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. You can rest assured of that." Viserys stated. Jorah simply nodded and walked off.

I was to walk off as well, but I was stopped by Viserys. "Oh wait, brother!" He said, I turned back "Yes, Viserys?" I asked. "When we get the crown I want you to know I would have you made hand of the king. It'll be a conquest like Aegon did so long ago." I gave him a look of pride, but I did not entirely share his views. I knew he only gave me these small talks to keep me on his side just as he did with Daenerys.

"I believe that we must wait for the dragons to be born. Because if you want to reclaim our titles by a conquest like Aegon did before then we must wait for Daenerys' dragons to hatch." I simply stated. "But do not forget, even Aegon failed to fully take all of Westeros, so first we may only reclaim Dragonstone." I added. I then walked off to a tent for some rest.

The next day we were riding off. Khal Drogo is leading his khalasar through a field. Daenerys and Jorah are fairly close to the front of the procession. As was I, for I was riding besides Daenerys. "Do the Dothraki buy their slaves?" She asked. "The Dothraki don't believe in money. Most of their slaves were given to them as gifts." Jorah responded. "From whom?" We both asked him.

"If you rule a city and you see the horde approaching, you have two choices: pay tribute or fight. An easy choice for most. Of course, sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes a Khal feels insulted by the number of slaves he's given. He might think the men too weak or the women too ugly. Sometimes a Khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months and need the practice." Jorah stated. A nearby rider angrily whips a slave for not moving fast enough. Daenerys looks unnerved while I was unfazed.

"Tell them all to stop." She said, Jorah then asked: "You want the entire horde to stop? For how long?" Daenerys then stated, "Until I command them otherwise." I slightly smirked at her response and Jorah looked impressed. "You're learning to talk like a Queen." I said, but she responded "Not a Queen. A Khaleesi." Daenerys dismounts her horse and walks through the field off of the path to a nearby clearing. Jorah then relayed her orders to the rest of the khalasar. While I look on.

She heard noises coming towards her and grass snapping. Her brother Viserys storms into the clearing on horseback wielding a sword. "You dare?! You give commands to me? To me?!" He angrily stated. He then grabbed Daenerys by the neck. I then quickly got off my horse. "You do not command the Dragon! I am Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. I don't take orders from savages or their sluts. Do you hear me?" He angrily said.

Viserys has his sword to Daenerys' throat. One of Drogo's bloodriders, Rakharo, comes into the area and whips Viserys, wrapping it around his neck and yanking him to the ground. Myself, Irri, and Jorah had come into the clearing she was in Rakharo then asked Daenerys a question in Dothraki. "Rakharo ask if you want him dead, Khaleesi." She translated.

"No!" She shouted as we watched Viserys struggling on the ground. I would have ran in if not held back by Jorah. "Do not make any brash decisions, let the king take consequences for his actions." He quietly muttered to me. "[in Dothraki] Maybe the ear will listen if it is removed from the head." Rakharo said with a sadistic grin on his face. "Rakharo say you should take ear, to teach respect." Irri once again translated.

"Please, please, don't hurt him! Tell him I don't want my brother harmed." She pleaded. Viserys had begun to struggle to breath. "[in Dothraki] Khaleesi does not want him harmed." Irri spoke to Rakharo. "Huh?" He said confused, but he he relented as he released the whip from Viserys throat. "MORMONT! KILL THESE DOTHRAKI DOGS!" Viserys yelled. I only held onto my sword and Jorah just stared at Rakharo.

"I AM YOUR KING!" Viserys shouted, Jorah then ignored him and turned to Daenerys. "Shall we return to the khalasar, Khaleesi?" Jorah asked. Viserys looks from Jorah to Daenerys, insulted. Irri helps her back onto her horse. Viserys starts back towards his horse. I simply walk back to get on my horse. But behind me I hear: "Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. You walk." Rakharo says to Viserys. Rakharo leaves to rejoin the khalasar. Viserys remains, still looking insulted.

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