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"I have no mouth" Regular
'But I need to scream' Thoughts
I must not lose myself Flashback
Or they will come Visions of the future

Sixteen years, sixteen wretched years since Robert Baratheon's rebellion. Sixteen years since my brother was killed in the Battle Of Trident. Sixteen years since Jaimie Lannister killed my father, Aerys II Targaryen.

I had snuck out of Westeros to Essos with my two younger siblings, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. We were the last three of the Targaryen dynasty the home of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, across the Narrow Sea in the Free City of Pentos.

I sat outside, Viserys planned to marry Daenerys to a Dothraki Khal. "Y/N" Illyrio had said, "Ah, Illyrio, what has my maddened brother done?" I had asked. "He gave Daenerys the gift I had given him. "Ah..." I had muttered, "I do not understand, why don't you try to claim the throne?" Illyrio had questioned. "I gave up on that a long time ago. The spark of ambition I had for the throne died with my brother and father" I had stated.

We had stared over and saw both Viserys and Daenerys come out. Daenerys in her gifted dress, standing at Viserys side. I stood up and kept my hand on my sword, Dragon's Heart. We stood waiting for the arrival of the Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo, whom Daenerys would be marrying. But she had only a look of nervousness which I tried to help with by giving her a reassuring look."All will be fine" I said. "Where is he?" Viserys had impatiently asked.

Illyrio turned towards him, "The Dothraki are not know for their punctuality." Before Viserys could talk again the Dothraki had been in sight. A group, lead by Drogo himself. Illyrio had gone up to greet them. "[in Dothraki] Respect to one that is respectful, Great Khal! [in Common] May I present my honored guests: Y/N of House Targaryen, the first of His Name, son of Aerys II, and the Knight of Dragons, Viserys of House Targaryen, the Third of His Name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, and his sister, Daenerys, of the House Targaryen."

Illyrio approaches the group and continues to speak with them in Dothraki. While Me, Viserys, and Daenerys stay back. "Do you see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He's a savage, of course, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his queen." Viserys had told Daenerys.

Illyrio had turned back to face the three. "Come forward, my dear" Illyrio had said to Daenerys. I went to follow suit but was stopped by Illyrio. "She must meet the Khal on her own" Illyrio stated. So I reluctantly went back to join Viserys. "What is wrong brother, sad you couldn't bed her yourself?" Viserys muttered. "No, I wish to protect our kin, just as I would do for you" I responded. After this they both stayed quiet to see the decision.

Daenerys slowly and nervously walks towards Drogo, who had not gotten off his horse. She eventually reaches him. They both stare at each other for a long while; Drogo doesn't show any emotion, but Daenerys has fear on her face. The silence had made me a bit cautious. As I gripped the handle to my sword to be ready for anything.

After a while, Drogo turns around and rides off, with the other Dothraki following suit. Me and Viserys runs down to join Daenerys and Illyrio. "Where is he going?" Viserys asked in confusion. "The ceremony is over" Illyrio stated, Viserys then adds on, "But he didn't say anything. Did he like her?" Illyrio then turns to face Viserys. "Trust me, your grace- if he didn't like her, we'd know" Illyrio said.

Viserys and Illyrio went off to discuss plans. While I stayed with Daenerys, "That was horrid to see you in that state. Afraid of what fate lies for you in that marriage" I had said. "I do not want to marry him!" Daenerys cries to me. She hugs onto me, "I do not want you to be married off to a Dothraki, but I am not the one to be king. That is Viserys, so I must follow him as king."

"But you're older, why aren't you the one that should be king?" She questioned. "My ambition for that died at the Battle of Trident, dear sister" I had responded. I felt myself on the verge of losing my composure. "Now be calm sister, those two probably need you. Got to them." Daenerys only nodded and walk off to go join Viserys and Illyrio. I then sit down on the ground. Clutching my chest and holding back memories.

Sixteen years ago, I was in the Ruby ford on the Trident river. I accompanied my brother for this occasion. Robert's rebellion had caused a significant amount of damage. Our father did nothing to help us, but he was already gone by now. He was already mad, so he was no real use. It was up to me and Rhaegar.

"Y/N, be safe, when this is over I want you to be the hand!" Rhaegar yelled as he rode off on his horse. I rode off on my horse leading my own attack. I lead the Calvary and we ran through many of the traitors. I had cut through many of the men with Dragon's Heart. I could have even torn through them all by myself.

But a stray arrow had caught my horse. And I was bucked off. Luckily the horse did not land on me, but I had to recover quickly. So I grabbed Dragon's Heart and slashed the nearest traitor. I was surrounded by five men in the midst of the battle. "We got a dragon Bastard!" One of them shouted. I only readied my sword as I waited for an attack.

One man ran towards me, but he was quickly cut down by a slash. Two men charged me, one tried to slice me but I parried and impaled my sword through the throat of the other. He again tried to strike me, but I caught the sword with my armored hand and delivered a hit with the hilt of my sword. One tried to stab me from behind, but the armor was strong enough to to take the stab.

So I quickly turned around and drove the sword through the gut of the man. There were now only two left. The one that wasn't on the ground had tried to go for an overhead swing. But I quickly pulled my sword out of the dead man and sliced the attacker's head clean off. The man on the ground was stunned.

He tried to crawl away, but I had dragged him back. "Go to your lord of light!" I yelled as I had hit and overhead strike on this man's head, splitting it in half. Then I turned my attention towards the center and there I saw it. On horseback I saw my brother Rhaegar in his armor with the Ruby on it facing off against Robert Baratheon with his stag helmet.

Rhaegar had charged towards Robert on horseback and tried to deliver a strike. But Robert somehow dodged on horseback and with his mighty war hammer struck Rhaegar in his chest, shattering his Ruby and sending him off of his horse. There my brother layed, deceased. In fear and shock, I had taken a horse and rode back to Kingslanding, somehow dodging and oncoming attacks from the rebellion.

I had regained my mind once more. I stood off the ground and dusted myself. Just as I told Daenerys, I went to go find Illyrio and Viserys. I find them at the balcony in the midst of conversation. "I know how to play a man like Drogo - I give him a queen and he gives me an army" Viserys claims. "I don't want to be his queen!" Daenerys pleads. Both Illyrio and Viserys turn to look back at Daenerys. "I want to go home" Daenerys adds, Viserys walks towards her, "So do I. I want us both to go home. But they took it from us. So, tell me, sweet sister: how do we go home?" He says in a annoyed tone.

"I don't know" she responds, so Viserys answers, "We go home with an army. With Khal Drogo's army." Viserys then takes his hand and lovingly strokes Daenerys' face. "I would let his whole tribe fuck you, all forty thousand men and their horses too, if that's what it took" Viserys states. He then gives Daenerys a kiss on the forehead before walking away.

Angered I chase after him, "Viserys, that is not something you should just boldly say to your sister!" I exclaim. "It is the truth, I want my crown and we need Khal Drogo's army" he says back. "This is not something she wants, this is your wish for her-" I say before I get cut off by Viserys. "And what is your plan to go back home, what army does the great Knight of Dragons have by his side? Oh right, there is no army!"

"Watch your tone, otherwise I will take that crown" I state, Viserys only chuckles. "Your claims are irrelevant. Your renounced them before me and Daenerys during our travels to get here. You promised you would be my knight. That you would live to see a Targaryen on the throne again" Viserys says. He then puts both his hands on my shoulders. "And this is the way to see that! With the army we will take back our home. And you can kill that old traitor Robert Baratheon"

"Hell I'll allow you to do whatever it pleases to the traitors. I just need my brother to aid me in this" Viserys calmly tells me. "Fine, but do not expect me to go well along with this ploy" I state.

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