𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎 | 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜

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Reader's POV

Taehyun was walking to class with his girlfriend. He felt his phone buzzed.

Incoming call from Dad....
Decline Accept

He puts his phone back on his pocket.

"Why didn't you answer it?" Chaeryeong asked him.

"It's dad." The boy simply answered. She pats his head before playing with his hair.

"I think you should call. It might be important." She said the boy signed but he obeyed.

He called his dad.

"Son, I need you to be in the school meeting room." His dad said.

"I'll be there." He signed before hanging up.

"There's a meeting again. Aren't you going to come?" He asked his girlfriend sh3 shook her head no.

He goes near their teacher informing him why he won't be able to attend.

He waved goodbye to Chaeryeong before he runs towards the meeting room.

He was just in time. He entered with Lia one of his girlfriend's friend.

Chaeryeong's parents then went inside. With a girl who looked exactly like her girlfriend with minor differences. If he hasn't spend so much time with his girlfriend he might not be able to differentiate.

"Chaeyeon!" Lia waved at the girl. She smiled as she sat beside Lia.

"Oh Chaeyeon this is the guy I was telling you about. Chae's boyfriend." Lia said pointing at me. I bowed at her.

"Kang Taehyun." I introduced offering a handshake.

"I know." She said looking at me and didn't bother to shake my hand.

"Rude." I thought.

Complete opposite as her kind and sweet sister.

"You look exactly like your brother. No wonder my sister fell for you." Chaeyeon said but only Lia could hear.

"Still haven't moved on. I see." Lia jokes.

After the meeting. Chaeyeon waited for her sister to be back home.

She heard her sister walk in their house.

The older one kept glaring at her.

"What's your problem. I didn't force you to attend the boring meeting. I even volunteered." The younger one said.

"Kangs are no good." Chaeyeon gave a blank expression.

"What are you talking about?" Chaeryeong asked.

The sisters never shared about their romantic relationships despite them being close.

"You're boyfriend Kang Taehyun. If I we're you I move on now before it's too late." Chaeyeon crossed her arms.

"Before you tell me I don't know him. I do much earlier than you did. His older brother is my ex. So learn from my mistake." Chaeyeon adds.

"What does your relationship have to do with mine?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Me? Oh I don't really care but you don't want to wait until Mom abd Dad finds out you're dating the youngest son of their rival company." Chaeyeon adds.

"They're buisness partners on the school." The younger reasons.

"Do you know the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer? That's exactly what they're doing." Chaeyeon said.

"That's what his brother did to me. He dated me because he wanted to know our companies secrets. I'm not that easy but you are a sweet and kind daughter that I never was. You're an easy target." Chaeyeon explains.

Chaeryeong sighed don will all the nonsense her bitter sister is saying.


Taehyun goes home. One of his two older brother plotting to end him.

"Hello. I'm home!" Taehyun happily announced his arrival.

"I would say that If I we're you." His second eldest brother Taeyeon said as he calmly lays on the sofa.

"The audacity of you to come home after what you did." His eldest brother Taeyoung said pacing up and down the stairs.

"What did I do?" The clueless Taehyun asked.

"I recived a fvkin' message from my ex telling me you're flirting with her sister." Taeyoung said going down the stairs.

"Bro chill." Taeyeon said as he sat on the sofa.

"If they like each other why the heck do you and Chaeyeon noona get to decide?" Taeyeon said.

"You did not date a Lee so shut up. Those girls are up to no good. First they love you the next day they break up telling you how much they hate you." Taeyoung said.

"I sense a broken heart." Taeyeon said.

"Break up with her. You can date anyone but not a Lee. Dad will be furious when he finds out." Taeyoung said before going back to his room.

"I support you but he also has a point. Dad will be furious when he finds out." Taeyeon said.

"I'm not like hyung who acts like dad's little sheep. Plus I've been sneaking her in here for months no one seemed to notice." Taehyun said.

"You said it yourself. Hyung is like dad's little sheep. Do you think he'll keep that little secret of yours? Or will he tattle?" Taeyeon said.

"Plus It's bold of you to assume no one noticed. Sneaking out a pretty girl like that do you really think It will be off my radar. You have a taste. Possibly even better than mine." Taeyeon said leaving his younger brother.

Wanderlust Series - Magic Paint

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I said on the earlier chapters we're just half way in our story. Hehe. Please vote and have a great time reading.

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