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It's now Friday. Taeyong and Jaehyun had gotten to know each other more and have grown more comfortable around each other. Taeyong no longer felt like the younger is annoyed at him. They could even say they're close.

Taeyong's POV

It's finally last period. Today I'll go to Jaehyun's house again. I'm so lucky to get him as my partner for the project. I started to feel sleepy in class, so I asked the teacher for permission to go to the bathroom. I headed out of the classroom to the bathroom. The further I walked, the dizzier I feel. I can't see clearly anymore. It's so blurry. I reached out to grab the nearest thing to balance myself. It didn't help. I could feel my body getting weaker, until I couldn't stand anymore. But before I lost consciousness, I felt someone catch me.

Jaehyun's POV

I was heading to the teacher's office to grab some paper with Johnny when I saw Taeyong walking in the hallway. I was about to wave to him when he stopped walking and grabbed the locker next to him. The next thing I knew, Taeyong was collapsing onto the floor and I was running to catch him.

"Taeyong?!" I said as I shook his body lightly, "Can you hear me?"

No response

I told Johnny to go ahead and to tell the teacher he went to the nurse's office. I picked the fainted boy up and headed to the nurse's office as quick as I can. Taeyong is really light. Too light. I pray that he would be fine.

3rd person POV

Taeyong's eyes fluttered open slowly. He found himself in a room he didn't recognize, but guessed it's the nurse's room. He could hear the nurse talking to Jaehyun faintly. Jaehyun. So that's who caught him.

"He is extremely malnourished. Please make sure he gets lots of food and water. If he faints again, please go to the hospital. You can stay with him until school is over in 10 minutes if you'd like." he heard the nurse say.

"Okay. Thank you so much Miss." Jaehyun replied.

"Oh shit. Shit. Shit!" Taeyong thought. He was so careful not to let Jaehyun find out. Now it's all over.

He heard foot steps coming closer. Jaehyun walked through the closed curtains. He immediately rushed to Taeyong's side when he saw that the boy is awake. He sat down next to the bed the boy was laying on and held Taeyong's hand in his. They stared at each other, their eyes holding different emotions. Taeyong's held pain and sadness. Jaehyun's was soft and full of affection.

Taeyong opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. The younger saw this and shushed him while smiling comfortingly. "We'll talk about it later," he said, "Just try to get some rest now. Yea?" Jaehyun drew circles on the older's hand with his thumb until he fell asleep again.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang, releasing students from school for the weekend. Taeyong was still asleep, so Jaehyun decided to wait another 10 minutes until most of the students are out of the school before picking the sleeping boy up to bring to his car. Before they could reach the car, Taeyong woke up. A slight pink crept up to his cheeks once he realized Jaehyun was the one carrying him.

"Jaehyun?" he whispered, making the one carrying him stop walking and pay attention to him. "I can walk by myself. It okay." he continued.

"Are you sure?" Jaehyun asked, secretly wanting to hold Taeyong closer. He wanted to do whatever it takes to protect the fragile boy in his hands right now. "Yea, I'm really fine now, Jaehyun." he said back, finding the strength to muster up a small smile to reassure the other. The younger carefully set him down, but still held on to his waist. To help him walk, of course.

The pair walked to get their things from their lockers and also Taeyong's last classroom to get his laptop that he left in there. Then, they headed to Jaehyun's car and drove back to the younger's house. The ride was uncomfortable, to say the least, for Taeyong. He thought up all the ways he could avoid telling the other about his condition. He didn't want Jaehyun to judge him after them being on good terms for the past week. On the other hand, he knew the younger deserved an honest explanation after saving him today.

They arrived at Jaehyun's house after a completely silent ride. The taller led Taeyong to the living room and told him to sit on the couch while he went to go get them some water for them in the kitchen. When he came back, the older had his face in his hands and sniffles could be heard though out the room. Jaehyun set the glasses of water down and sat next to the crying boy. He slowly pulled the older into a hug. Embracing him in a tight and comforting hug.

Jaehyun pulled back a few minutes later. He lifted Taeyong's head out of his hands. He brought his hands up to the older's tear stained cheeks and used his thumb to wipe away the tears. He hated seeing seeing Taeyong like this. A sweet boy like him isn't suited for tears, so he did the first thing he could think of to make the older stop crying. Jaehyun kissed Taeyong.

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