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3rd person POV

"OK guys! Today you will be assigned a group project," the teacher walked in and interrupted the excited chatter among students on a Friday morning. "This project will be worth 50 percent of your grade for this semester, so make sure to put a lot of effort into this," she adds on. A chain of groans followed throughout the room, an especially loud one came from Taeyong. He does not like this subject, business, he only took it because his brother thinks it would be good for him. What he does like however, is the fact that this is one of the few classes he shared with Jaehyun. So when the teacher told the class she will be picking the groups herself, he prayed to all the holy things he believes in to be with his crush. Not only because he wants to spend time with Jaehyun, but also because Jaehyun has the highest grade of their class.

"The pairs will be as followed. Mingyu and Wonwoo. Soojin and Shuhua. Bangchan and Felix. Johnny and Ten......." Jaehyun sat in his seat awaiting his name to be called as all his friends got up to talk to discuss the work with their partners. "And lastly, Jaehyun and Taeyong." "Finally, my name is called," Jaehyun thought to himself. "Wait WHAT?? Taeyong??"

While Jaehyun sat in shock, Taeyong was ecstatic and silently cheered to Ten. "Yay! I got Jaehyun!!" he quietly said to his friend. "Lucky you! Not fair, you get both your crush and the smartest guy in the class?" Ten replied back. He then ushered Taeyong to go talk to Jaehyun, and went to his own partner afterwards.

"Hi Jaehyun!" Taeyong beamed only to get a small "Hey." back from Jaehyun. "Guess we'll be seeing more of each other for the next couple of weeks," he said, while still giving the taller his usual warm smile and continued to talk more about the project. Jaehyun carefully observed the older's face. "How can someone be so positive all the time?" he thought to himself. "Jaehyun?" said Taeyong, in a slightly louder voice than his usual soft tone. Jaehyun was eventually snapped out of his thoughts by the other, who was slightly blushing from the younger's stare. "Huh? What?" Jaehyun asked, perplexed. "I asked what you thought of my ideas for the project," Taeyong told. He had to repeat all the things he said because Jaehyun spaced out. And he did all of it with a smile on his face. They discussed the project until the bell rang, releasing the students to get to their next class.

"We should probably set some time to get this done. When are you free?" Taeyong asked the other.

"How about every other day at my place? We could start tomorrow right away. I'll send you the location."

"Sure! You can send it to my DM's." Taeyong replied. And with that the two started packing their belongings and left the classroom, but not before Taeyong turned to Jaehyun to give him one last smile and wave.

"He's not so bad. Maybe I should give him a chance," Jaehyun thought.

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