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They grabbed their stuff and left Jaehyun's house. The first few minutes of the walk home was quiet and awkward, until Jaehyun decided to start a conversation.

"So how did your parents die?" Dammit. Not the right way to start a conversation Jaehyun. "You don't have to answer that! I'm sorry for bringing it up again," he said, quickly correcting himself before Taeyong gets sad again.

"They died in a car crash when I was 7. Me and my brother were sent to live with our aunt, but she didn't treat us well. She had her own children so we were not her top priority. Luckily at was only couple years until my brother turned 18. And when he did, we moved out and got a small apartment. He worked hard to pay rent, so that I can be happy and enjoy my childhood. It's been me and him ever since," Taeyong told while smiling at the memories of him and his brother.

He turned to Jaehyun to give him a smile to be met with the younger already staring at him. He looked away quickly getting flustered. He couldn't believe it. He got to be with his crush alone for hours and now his crush is dropping him off!

"Sorry I over shared. I'm just been really happy since my brother came back from his military enlistment," Taeyong chuckled nervously, rubbing his hand on his neck.

"It's okay. I like listening to you talk," Jaehyun said back.

"Really? I thought you found me annoying." Taeyong said with a slight tone of sadness in his voice.

"To be honest, at first I did. Before I saw how bright and kind you always are," Jaehyun said, smiling fondly.

"O-oh. Thank you," Taeyong replied shyly.

"Why are you always so happy, Taeyong? I've never seen anyone who is as happy as you." Jaehyun asked, his curiosity got the best of him.

"Exactly! That's why I'm always happy. There's no one as happy as me. I want everyone to always have a smile on their face. To enjoy their life. I want everyone around me to be as happy as me. I just want to cheer everyone up from their gloominess." he said with a big smile on his face. That's when Jaehyun finally realized he liked Taeyong. He liked his bright smile, his kindness for everyone around him, his cute face, everything about him.

"But aren't you ever sad?" he continued with his question. He decided that he would find the perfect moment to tell Taeyong about his feelings later.

"Of course. Everyone gets sad. But I find it easier to just keep on smiling. I don't want everyone to worry about me. Plus if I keep smiling, the sadness will go away quicker." he answered, which made Jaehyun stop walking and turned to face him.

"You don't need to mask your sadness with a smile. If you don't want to act sad around other people, please don't hide your sadness when you're around me. I'll be the one to make you smile again, without you forcing it." Jaehyun said sincerely. He was shocked when Taeyong started tearing up, but still smiling. He looked for any sign of a fake smile, but it wasn't there. These were tears of happiness.

Suddenly, Taeyong pulled him in for a hug, but quickly pushed him away when he realized what he did. He wiped his tears away with his long sleeve. "Thank you so much Jaehyun."

He ran away after that statement, leaving Jaehyun still in shock from what happened. The younger stayed there until he saw Taeyong walk into his apartment to turn to walk back home.

On his way home, he went over everything that happened today with Taeyong. He smiled fondly at each memory. He vowed to make the smile reappear on his face whenever it disappeared. Man, he really is heads over heals for Taeyong.

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