Chapter 10: The wedding day

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For the rest of the weekend, during that week, and near the start of the weekend of the marriage day, Elijah and Henry made sure to be near each other more so then they can enjoy the last times together, they hung out with each other more, making sure that the king and queen didn't find out what was happening, which they were still quite mad about.

They also hanged out with each other way more, they hugged and kissed each other a lot when no one was looking, they played lots of fun games outside together, they did secret walks together, they made lots of food together, Henry helped Elijah with all the problems he was having in his life, and lots more things that they did together. Elijah was still scared about the wedding day, but Henry had comforted him so then he wouldn't feel too afraid, while his parents prepared for the wedding day. 

On Saturday 18th May 2669 at 9am, it was the day of the wedding. After eating a good breakfast made by Henry, Elijah's parents told him to get dressed while they get the last things ready and be ready for the princess from a different town to come in for the wedding. Elijah nodded, and headed off to his bedroom to get dressed, while Henry helped him get his suit.

The suit that Henry was holding looked like the same kind of suit Henry was wearing, which was a black and white suit with a bowtie. Elijah got the suit from Henry and quickly put it on. Then, Henry helped him out to make sure it was nice and tidy, then started to put some more bandages and liquids on his face and body so then he could hide his wounds and his dirtiness, then fixed his other things like his hands, hair, and much more to make sure he was perfect, then he shined his crown and put it on top of his head.

Elijah stared into the mirror in sadness, not sure if he wanted to kill himself or not because this day was happening, which he did not want. Henry noticed his sadness, and carefully hugged him. Elijah started crying in Henry's arms. Henry said "Hey, don't worry. How about I make a plan? What we could do during the wedding day, is that we can tell everyone the truth before you get married, and then we can run away somewhere and hide together, and while everyone is looking for the both of us, we can be relaxing together forever with no more problems!". Elijah nodded, and replied "You are right! We should absolutely do that!". 

When the wedding day finally started, Elijah stood and waited for her at the end of the aisle. Then, the people from Lawrind and from the other town came in as well as the other town's people, as well as his parents and their parents. Then, the princess finally came. Her name was Princess Elizabeth. She was 19, she was 5'7", she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she had pale coloured skin, she had a lot of friends, she wore a beautiful white wedding dress with a shiny crown with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and she was still in uni as well.

They started the wedding, which Elijah was afraid about, but before he could tell anyone to stop the wedding and tell what was happening, something crazy happened. Elizabeth cried "Stop the wedding!". Everyone looked in shock, including Elijah, thinking "She wants the wedding stopped too! But why?!". 

Elizabeth said "I have to say something. Something I never told anyone. I already have a relationship with somebody, a female who has a lower position than me! I was afraid to tell anyone, because I was scared to know what people would say about this, so that is why I got an arranged marriage with Prince Elijah since my parents thought I liked men, not women!". The girl stepped up. 

Her name was Ella, she was 19 years old, she was 5'5", she had pale coloured skin, she had lots of friends, she was wearing a nice dress for the occasion, she was also in uni, and she had blonde hair and green eyes. Her parents said "We support you honey, don't worry!". Elizabeth said "Sorry for wasting your time Prince Elijah!". He laughed, and said "I don't mind, in fact, I have a relationship with somebody already as well that I was going to say about!". 

Elizabeth said "Go ahead!". After he explained, Elizabeth said "Congrats! Meanwhile, we need to look at some people in particular!". All the people of that town including the towns turned to people of Lawrind and the royals immediately. They realised what was happening, and started to run away, as they tried to catch them, and when they did, they started to beat them up.

During that, Elizabeth and Ella were going to head off back to their towns again to relax while everyone else beat them up. They said "Goodbye you both! Hope you have a good new life!". They zoomed away back to their towns. They both looked at each other's eyes. Henry said "Let's get out of here.". Elijah nodded, and said "Good idea, let's go!", as they both held each other's hands.

They ran off out of the wedding venue and into the distance together when no one was looking. After a little while, the people of the other town left after beating the people of Lawrind and the royals. Then after that, the people of Lawrind and the royals noticed that Elijah and Henry were gone, so they started looking around in a panic. Elijah's parents thought "What have we done?!". 

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