Chapter 5: A stranger feeling that they both had

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On Monday 22nd of April 2669 at 7am, Elijah got up and started to get ready to go to Lawrind University for the day again. He put more liquids on his body and clothes and replaced his bandages again, and then headed out of his room and down the stairs fast and went to get breakfast from Henry as usual while his mother and father were starting to wake up. 

Butler Henry was there in the kitchen wearing his same suit as usual. He said "Greetings Elijah! Had a good sleep?". Elijah nodded and replied "Yes I did, thanks! What about you?". Henry answered "It went great, thanks! I am going to give your parents your breakfast first, alright?". Elijah nodded, and said "Absolutely! Take your time!". 

Henry took the silver tray of food for his parents, bowed and headed off quickly to his parents room as per usual. Elijah headed to the dining room and sat down on the table as per usual for his breakfast. Meanwhile, Henry headed up to the room of the king and queen and gave the food. The king and queen said, barely looking at Henry "Thanks Henry!". He bowed quickly and left the room so they could eat.

After that, Henry came back at 7:15am and gave Elijah his food. Elijah said to him "Thanks Henry!". Henry bowed, and said "No problem!", and left him to eat while he did the dishes. After that at 7:30am, Elijah headed out of the dining room to his bedroom to get ready for school. Meanwhile, Henry took his dishes, washed them, and did the same thing with his parent's dishes. 

Elijah got dressed in his university uniform, brushed his teeth, packed his homework, packed liquids for his clothes and body just in case, packed bandages for his body in case, and more in the blink of an eye. He went back downstairs to get his water and food from Henry as usual. As usual, Henry was already there holding it for him. "Here you go Elijah!". Elijah smiled, and said "Thanks Henry!". 

It was 7:45am, so Elijah headed off to quickly say goodbye to his mother and father while Henry waited for him at the entrance as per usual. "Goodbye parents!". His parents looked at him and replied "Fuck you shitass.". Elijah headed downstairs to meet Henry who was waiting for him. Henry smiled, and said "Let's go!". Elijah smiled, and said "Yeah! Let's get moving!".

They headed to the car in the garage as usual and drove off to get to Lawrind University. There were a few clouds in the sky with the sun beaming down. Henry broke the silence by saying "So, how are you doing this morning?". Elijah replied to him with "Good, thanks! How about you?". Henry replied "Yeah, it's going pretty good.". They kept driving, and then before they knew it, they were almost at the drop-off point so then Elijah could walk the rest to uni. 

Henry replied "W-well, have a good day today!". Elijah replied "I-I will! You too!". Henry replied "B-bye, see you later!". Elijah replied "Y-yeah, you too!". As Elijah and started to walk to Lawrind University as Henry drove off back to Lawrind Palace, Elijah felt something weird, usually he would feel the happy feeling every time he interacted with Henry as he usually did since Henry is his good friend, which he did, but this time, he felt something else too. He felt a stranger feeling with his happy feeling, his face was burning up, his heart was beating fast, and was stuttering like he would when he was surprised, scared, and nervous when he was near Henry or anyone else.

He wondered in his head "What the hell is wrong with me?!", but he decided to dismiss it. Meanwhile with Henry when he was driving back to Lawrind Palace after he dropped off Elijah, Henry felt something weird, usually he would feel a happy feeling every time he interacted with Elijah as he usually did since Elijah is his good friend, which he did, but this time, he felt something else too. He felt a stranger feeling with his happy feeling, his face was burning up, his heart was beating fast, and was stuttering which he would never do when he was near Elijah or anyone else. 

He wondered in his head "What the hell is wrong with me?!", but he decided to dismiss it as well. Elijah came into school, and as per usual, some people were already there, laughing and calling them names. Elijah ignored them and headed off to get ready for class. He had a bunch of periods for all his subjects, in which he was able to give the homework that he did during the weekend, and do the usual work. 

Also as per usual, during interval and lunch, while eating his food, some of the bullies came and started to beat them up and laugh at them by using many different methods to make him suffer as usual, but luckily, Elijah bought his spare liquids and bandages in case he needed to change it. At the end of the day at 4pm, he headed off to the drop-off point to see Henry, but then he started to feel the same weird feeling that he felt this morning, and he weirdly felt way too excited to see Henry than usual. 

Meanwhile, Henry came back to the palace, and the king and queen didn't notice, and he did his usual stuff like making food, cleaning, and much more. At 3:45pm, he decided to get ready to pick up Elijah, so Henry headed off quickly when the king and queen weren't looking as per usual, but then he started to feel the same weird feeling that he felt this morning, and he weirdly felt way too excited to see Elijah than usual. After 4pm, Henry picked up Elijah and took him home as per usual, and at 4:15pm, they arrived at the palace, and luckily the king and queen didn't notice at all as per usual.

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