Chapter 1: Meeting the new butler

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One day, on Saturday 13th of April 2669 at 9:30am on a cloudy day during Elijah's weekend when he was 19, he was 5'9", he had black hair and blue eyes, his body was covered with liquids and makeup to hide his ugliness, unpopularity, and the scars he got from all the beating he suffered, he had no friends, pale coloured skin, wore fancy clothes with a crown on his head which were covered with liquids and other materials to hide the dirt and soot on it from Elijah doing the chores, and he was still in Lawrind University, he and his mother and father were waiting outside on the royal lawn outside of the palace.

He asked his parents in a respectful and obedient tone "Mother, father? What are we doing outside?". They both sighed, and said in mocking laughter "What a dumb idiot you are! We told you about this yesterday when you came home from uni! You really are a dumbass fucker, aren't you? We should have not made you, or just put you up for adoption! Anyway, like we said yesterday, you are getting a new butler who just moved into this town who doesn't know about you, because all the butlers and maids have left because of you, idiot!". 

Elijah remembered, and replied "Oh, so that's why you put liquids and makeup on my clothes and body, because you wanted to put on a good impression!". They nodded, and said "Correct! We need someone on the job, so we need to trick them like we did to the other maids and butlers, and he will find out before he is too late, and then he has to be here for a while before he runs out screaming because of you shitass! So, please don't ruin it, you understand?! Otherwise, bad things will happen to you". 

He nodded in obedience, holding back the tears easily since he did it a lot over the years growing up, and said "Yes mother and father.". At 9:45am, a black car arrived on the lawn. They smiled, and said "Here he is!". The car stopped in front of them, and the person got out. He was 5'11", he was 21, he had brown hair and brown eyes, he looked like he was beautiful and famous in his old home, it looked like he had lots of friends in his old home, he wore pale coloured skin, wore a fancy black and white suit with a bowtie, and he was finished from school.

He smiled, and said in a smooth, kind voice "Hello there King and Queen of Lawrind and Prince Elijah of Lawrind, I am Butler Henry, it is a pleasure to meet you all!". Elijah's mother and father said "It is great to meet you too! Please put your car in the big garage, take your stuff and meet us inside!". Henry nodded, and said "Absolutely! I'll do that now!". 

He headed back into his car and drove off to the garage, got out of the car and got his stuff out. Meanwhile, the queen and king said to their son "Now Elijah. Please follow Henry to the castle and hold his stuff. Maybe you and him can get to know each other before he begs to get out of here, you stupid bitch!". He nodded, and said "Yes mother and father.". 

He headed off to follow Henry. By the time he came there, Henry was already out of his car and had his stuff in his hands. He had a couple black suitcases and a couple black bags with him. Henry smiled, and said "Hello there Prince Elijah! How are you doing?". Elijah replied "I am doing good, thanks Butler Henry! Would you like help with carrying those things?". 

Henry shook his head, and said "No thank you! I am a butler anyway, so I should be able to do this, and you are a prince, you should be relaxing and hanging out with your family.". Elijah nodded, and said "Alright then!", but he thought to himself "Shit, my parents are going to beat me up because of this later!".

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