Chapter 2: Another depressing day...

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As they both walked to the Lawrind Palace's entrance, there was a little bit of an awkward silence between them. Elijah broke the silence, saying "So, how is your life?". Henry smiled, and said "Pretty good, yeah! How is your life going?". Elijah lied "Going pretty good, yeah!". Henry answered "That's great!". 

Elijah asked "Would you like to know anything about me?". Henry shook his head, and said "Don't worry, I know some things about you already. Do you want to know anything about me or any extra things about you that you want to say to me?". 

Elijah lied, saying "Don't worry, I know some things about you already, and you probably know a lot of things about me anyway since my life is quite simple.", since he knew there is no point telling about himself and finding about Henry, when Henry is probably going to run away crying after finding out all about him. 

Henry nodded, feeling a bad feeling inside him that something was wrong for some reason, and said "That is all good! We are at the entrance now!". As they went into the luxurious Lawrind Palace, the king and queen turned and replied "Welcome! I hope you enjoy our stay here, please go to your room to rest!". Henry said "Thanks! I will head off to my room now to rest.". 

After Henry went off with his bags up to his room and started to relax by reading some books, they looked at his son in anger since they saw that Henry was holding the bags when they came in. They hissed in anger quietly "How dare you not carry his bags?! Come over here now you fucker!". Elijah knew what was going to happen, so he gulped and slowly came over to his parents. 

They pulled out a gold bat and duct tape out of a drawer that was near them. Elijah tried to scream for help, but they put the duct tape over Elijah's mouth before he screamed so then Henry wouldn't hear it, and they raised the bat in the air, and started to beat their son. Since Elijah is used to getting beaten with weapons like this one, he didn't scream or cry that much, but it stung a lot.

After all that, Elijah looked down at his body, which all the stuff on his clothing and face was gone, now showing his ugliness and dirtiness, the pale coloured skin bandages he was wearing from recent wounds was bloodied and torn, and his skin was now bleeding a lot from the gold bat and his clothes and crown were stained from the blood. 

They took off his duct tape, washed the bat, and said to him "Go to your room and lock it now as a punishment, make sure to clean yourself up, and don't come back unless you are told to and you are ready!". He obediently nodded, and started heading upstairs quickly. His room was right next to Henry's room, so he made sure to be quiet when passing his room so he wouldn't notice, but Henry heard him head upstairs quickly to his room, open and lock his door of his room behind him quickly. He thought to himself with a worried look on his face "I wonder what's wrong.". 

Meanwhile, after Elijah locked the door of his room quickly, he sighed sadly. He went to his clock and noticed it was 10am, knowing that they were going to keep him locked up until lunchtime, where Henry was going to make his first meal for them. He headed off to the bathroom connected to his room with his head looking down at the floor in sadness to fix himself up from the beating.

He looked at the mirror in the bathroom, grimaced and thought to himself "I look so ugly and so unpopular. Why didn't I kill myself long ago?!", and he cried quietly and quickly. He undressed himself, he took off the bandages and started to wipe the blood off his body from his recent and new wounds. Then, he added new bandages on his new and recent wounds again as per usual. Then, he started to clean off the blood carefully off his clothes and crown to make it more cleaner. After that, he started to put liquids on his clothes and body to hide everything, and then he put his clothes back on again.

He sighed in sadness, and said to himself "Much better. Let's relax and wait until lunch arrives since it is only 10:15am.". He trudged out of the bathroom and sat down on his bed. He decided to do some of his homework and relax while he waited for lunch. He did some Math, English, and more homework for Lawrind University which was due when he goes back to school on Monday, and relaxed after, while Henry headed downstairs to make lunch. 

At 12pm, he was called by his parents to go to the table for lunch, so he headed there. He ate a nice lunch of BLT, curry, sushi, spag bol, juice, and much more. It was very delicious, and Elijah made sure to eat it happily and savour it as much as possible because of his malnutrition. After that at 12:30pm, he headed back to his room to read some books and relax while Henry did the dishes in the kitchen, and also started to make dinner. 

Later on at 5:45pm, they were called for dinner, which was lamb, chicken, pork, salmon, fried rice, alcohol, and much more, which was also really delicious. At 6:15pm, Elijah headed back to his room to do more relaxing since Henry was going to do the dishes again. Elijah relaxed some more that night, making sure to use that time as much as possible. 

At 8pm, he decided to head off to bed, so he went to his parent's room and he said "Goodnight!". They both sighed, and said "Goodnight fucker!". He headed off to Henry's room where he was reading another book, and Elijah said "Goodnight!". Henry looked up from his book, smiled, and replied "Goodnight Elijah! Have a nice sleep!". 

Even though Henry didn't know about Elijah's life so he called him by his real name and was nice to him, it made Elijah somehow feel a happy feeling inside him that he hasn't felt in a while, but he dismissed it because he knew as soon as Henry found out, he would be mean to him just like all the other butlers and maids when they found out. Elijah went back to his room, got dressed into pyjamas, put more liquid on his clothes and body, changed his bandages, brushed his teeth, and went to sleep at 8:30pm.

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