Chapter 4: Henry gets suspicious of Elijah

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During the next few days, Elijah and Henry now had a small friendship instead of being strangers. Henry helped Elijah out on his homework, Henry took Elijah to uni, and much more, while Henry was still giving service to the king and queen, and Elijah was having his horrible life routine. Elijah still had that happy feeling inside of him when he was near Henry, but he dismissed it because their small friendship might change drastically after he finds out the truth.

The king and queen didn't really notice since they didn't care for Elijah, which Elijah knew, and didn't care for Henry except his services, which Henry did not know about. On Friday the 19th of April 2669 at 4:30pm after Elijah came back home with Henry, Elijah was relaxing and doing some homework while Henry was busy making some dinner. 

All of a sudden, the door of Elijah's bedroom opened, and there were his parents. They said to him "Hello disappointment! We need to beat you up today!". Elijah looked in confusion, and said "What do you mean? I did nothing wrong!". They said "We feel like we should punish you just for fun, since we already punished you earlier for bad grades, not helping to make food, and much more!". 

They got the gold bat and duct tape again out of their pockets. Elijah tried to scream for help, but they put the duct tape over Elijah's mouth before he screamed so then Henry wouldn't hear it again, and they raised the bat in the air, and started to beat their son. Elijah was very used to getting beaten with weapons like this one, so he didn't scream or cry that much again, but it stung a lot again. 

After all that, Elijah looked down at his body, which was like what it was last time, all the stuff on his clothing and face was gone, his bandages were torn, he was bleeding a lot and his clothes and crown were stained again. They took off the duct tape and washed the bat, and they ordered him "Go clean yourself up!". Elijah nodded as his parents left the room. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up as per usual, putting new liquids on him, changing his bandages, cleaning his clothes, and much more.

He zoomed out of the bathroom into the bedroom to check the time. It was 5pm, so he didn't have to worry about waiting too long for dinner. At 5:25pm, he and his mother and father were called for dinner from Henry, so Elijah headed off to the dining room to sit down on the table. 

They ate the food they usually eat, but Henry had an unpleasant feeling inside him that there was something wrong going on with Elijah since he didn't look happy and was quiet, but he couldn't put his finger on it. At 6pm after he washed the dishes, he decided to go check on Elijah and see if he knew if there was something wrong going on. During that time, Elijah was sitting on his bed, wondering if the torture in his life was ever going to stop one day, wondered if he should kill himself soon to get out of the torture, and if anyone would care about him at all.

Then, his thoughts were interrupted again since the door of the room started to open. Elijah started to panic inside him, thinking that it was his parents wanting to beat him up again, but it was just Henry, which made him breathe a sigh of relief inside him and calm down. Henry spoke saying "Hey Elijah. Is it okay if I come in?". Elijah nodded, saying "Be my guest. Make sure to close the door behind you when you come in.". Henry nodded, came in and closed the door carefully behind him. 

Henry sat down on the bed next to him, and said "How are you doing?". Elijah smiled, saying "I am all good, thanks. Why do you ask?". Henry replied "Well, I am having a bad feeling that something wrong is going on.". Elijah thought "Oh fuck, he is going to find out sooner rather than later.". Elijah replied with "W-what makes you think t-that?". Henry replied "Well, during the time I have worked here, I feel like something suspicious is happening in this place, but I am not sure what it is.".

Elijah uttered "O-oh, there is nothing bad or questionable happening in this place, d-don't worry.", as Elijah thought, "Smart answer, Elijah.". Henry said "Okay then.", as Henry thought "There is definitely something bad going on in here.". Henry replied "Well, if there is something wrong and if you want to say it, just tell me, alright?". Elijah nodded, and said "Got it.", as he felt the happy feeling inside him again as per usual.

Henry replied "I will leave you now. Bye Prince Elijah.". Elijah nodded, and said "Bye Butler Henry.", and Henry got up, opened, shut the door, and went to his room, opening the shutting the door of his room. After he went to his room, Elijah started to feel a guilty feeling because he didn't tell Henry about what was happening, but he dismissed the feeling, because if he did tell him, he would run away screaming and his parents might kill them since they were going to tell him later. 

He checked the clock, which said 6:20pm, so he relaxed some more and did some homework. At 7:50pm, he decided to head off to bed, so he went to his parent's room and he said "Goodnight!". They both sighed, and said "Goodnight idiot". He headed off to Henry's room where he was reading another book as per usual, and Elijah said "Goodnight!". Henry looked up from his book, smiled, and replied "Goodnight Elijah! Hope your sleep is good!". 

Elijah felt that happy feeling inside him again since the guilty feeling had already vanished, but he dismissed it because he remembered that as soon as he found out, he would be mean to him just like all the other butlers and maids, he might run away, or his parents might kill him. Elijah went back to his room, got dressed into pyjamas, put more liquid on his clothes and body, changed his bandages, brushed his teeth, and went to sleep at 8:30pm.

During that weekend on Saturday and Sunday, Elijah and Henry got a friendship, and started to hang out with each other more than they did. They made food together, they helped out on servicing the king and queen, Henry helped Elijah with all his homework that he got from uni, they played lots of games outside on the royal lawn outside the palace like cards, chess, and much more things that they did together. 

They also chatted about themselves and about their lives, about what Henry's life was like before he moved here in his old town, like his friends, school, and more, Elijah talking about the the statuses of Lawrind by housing, marketing, and much more compared to other towns, and much more things that they talked about together, while Henry was still giving service to the king and queen as usual, and Elijah was having his horrible life routine as usual. 

The king and queen didn't really notice as usual since they didn't care for Elijah, which Elijah knew, and didn't care for Henry except his services, which Henry did not know. Henry still had that bad feeling that something wrong was going on with Elijah, but he dismissed it again because he couldn't still put his finger on what was happening, and Elijah got worried that Henry would find out sooner rather than later, but he also dismissed it again because he knew he would find out later from his parents. They had a good weekend together, and they both started to get prepared for Monday.

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