Where am I?

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Unknown POV

Where am I? The last thing I remember is a guy in purple that popped up behind Foxy in Pirates Cove. Then I saw him pull out a knife and cut this little girl that somehow got attached to Foxy's mouth. He had her almost all the way inside of his mouth. When that man cut her off, I saw something squishy fall out of her head. The man threw her against the opposite wall, and there she lay unmoving.

Next he came to the boy who was screaming. That man tried to hush him, but that just made the boy, my friend, scream louder. The man got anxious and decided to end it quickly, he cut my friend's throat and wrists and just let him bleed out.

There was only four of us left, and I knew the end was nearing for us too. No one moved or yelled. But the girl next to me shook with uncontrolled silent sobs. That unforgiving man strode up to her and said," Do you want a prize little girl?" She violently shook her head no, but that didn't stop the man. He picked her up, and threw her agaisnt the wall by the other girl. "Lucy! No! You son of a-" one of the other boys yelled at the man in purple, but he never got to finish because the man in purple roughly twisted the boy's neck 360 degrees. I remember hearing his neck snap.

I gulped, looked to the only other boy left and I knew he was next because he was trying to inch towards the door. The only problem with that was that the man in purple was betwixt him and the door. The man turns and sees this trial of escape. He brings the knife up like a sword, but is interrupted by a hook that keeps the knife above the mans head.

Foxy must be our savior! But then my hopes were erased just as a whiteboard is when the man turns swiftly and stabs Foxy in the chest with another knife, significantly smaller than the one above his head. Foxy staggers back, in front of the door and stays there. I saw the light drain from his robotic eyes. The man turns back to the boy and brings down the knives on both of his legs cutting his legs clean off, leaving him with stumps.

The man turns to the bodies and stuffs them behind the curtain in the room. Setting Foxy's mouth apoun the youngest girls head once again. Now it's just me and I scream the loudest I have ever screamed in my short life. It was my last futile attempt of my life.

He swivels in my direction like he forgot I was here, smiles wickedly and kicks my in the abdomen. I feel my ribs crack and I lose my breath. Black spots blur my already blurry vision in the darkness of Pirates Cove and I black out.

Author's note
Hey guys, Raven2248 here!
Who do you think this POV is? How do you like it? Stay weird everyone!

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