Lovers in Brazil?

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How the fuck did you make it here?

Staring at the fancy ass meal in front of you, your eyes shift upwards to a smirking Neymar, cutting his food in front of you.

"Let's go." Neymar stands in the doorway with a bag extended from his arm. "Wear this."

"If it's what I think it is then it's a no." You shift in the bed.

"That's for later sweetheart. This is for dinner."

It was just a white maxi dress with a pair of black heels. Better than what you thought was in the bag.

"You could have told me in advance instead of rushing me." Playing with your food with the fork, you only had time to put your hair into a high ponytail.

"Well I think you look as beautiful however long it takes you."

"Not the point."

The sun was on the horizon, the beach was just across the street, and the sandy breeze felt really nice on your face. Weird but felt nice.

Brazil was probably the last place you would have ever thought of going, you didn't even have a passport so this kinda felt illegal.

"So what are your plans for when you go back home?" He asks.

"Hm." You weren't really sure. You missed your friends, and you really wanted to talk to Antonio but it's like he vanished off the face of the earth. Wishing you got his sisters number, maybe not contacting him was the best option. But deep in your heart, it really hurt to get close to someone then get cut off. Neymar's literally right in front of you but yet you think of another man. Damn whore. "I think I want to take painting classes. Just something as a hobby until I find a new job."

"You like painting?"

"Not really but I wanted to sound smart and sophisticated." You smile and finish eating whatever was left on your plate. Neymar admired that about you, your small jokes you let free once in a while. Something most people won't do around Neymar.

"Alright." Neymar waves his hand and a waiter brings the bill, throwing some money onto it and giving it back. "The night is still young, my queen." Neymar stands and extends his hand to you.

Gently grabbing his hand, your fingers entangle together as you leave the restaurant.

"Thank god these heels are comfortable, otherwise I would be bare footed right now." You laugh as the two of you walk past stores. Although the pavement was rough, it was manageable.

"I didn't really plan on doing anything tonight. My first game is in two days, so I was hoping to spend time together today before the tournament starts. Please at least stay of that game, or all, as long as your here." Neymar kisses the back of your hand. You blush and smile.

"Since you brought me all the way out here. I might as well." But across the ocean, back home, a friend was desperately looking for you. Broken about their recent actions, but you were no longer home.

"Let's head back to my place? The drunks will emerge like zombies in a few minutes." Neymar guides you towards the car, but your thoughts were occupied of what would happen when the two of you were alone.

Slightly nibbling the bottom of your lip, you knew you had to resist. He literally plays in the coming days, so that means he can't have sex , right? That's a thing?

Neymar glances over to see you lost in thought, finger tapping your knee as you stared out the window. If Neymar had mind reading abilities, he would so totally be reading your mind.

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