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You didn't expect things to be awkward.

Sitting across from each other, the energy in the room felt off.

"I heard about your accident. I'm so happy that your okay, or at least are you okay?" Neymar's concern made you giggle to yourself and nod.

"Yeah I'm okay. Shit happens." Digging your fork into the food. "By the way, have you heard from Antonio? I haven't heard anything from him." You shouldn't care, after the kiss, maybe things were awkward now, but he visited you in the hospital, right?

Neymar's eyebrow twitches as you say that man's name. How could you be thinking about him while Neymar was right in front of you? What draws your attention to him?

"Ah, I think he's working over seas for a project. Very secretive so I'm not sure." Neymar lies. Antonio was probably still in the hospital.

"I figured he's been with you. Anyway, what really brings you here? Don't you still have games or something?" You weren't a hundred percent sure how fútbol season works but it doesn't hurt to ask.

"No, the season is over and I have a few weeks before I head back to Brazil." You nod and you could tell Neymar was a bit upset about something.

"Anyway. I came here to talk to you about something."

Neymar hands you a piece of paper and you look over it. They were plane tickets.

"Ha? I thought you had your own private plane.?" You joke as he ruffles with his hair.

"I thought we should go like normal people. I bought these awhile back but then I heard about your accident. I'll refund them and get tickets when you get better."

With a heavy sigh, you look over the tickets. Although he plays for a team in Paris, he still bought tickets to Paris. A place you've always wanted to visit. Taking French class in school was the main reason, although you really should have done Spanish since a lot of people you know speak it.

"Then I'll wait till then. But this is a promise okay?" You hand back over the tickets to the man who was smiling brightly. Sticking out your pinky, Neymar clasps his pinky over yours as you seal the promise.

"I want another chance. I know we made a deal back then but-"

"What deal?"

Neymar's eyebrow raises as you look genuinely confused. What the fuck is he talking about?

"You don't remember?"

"If I did I wouldn't be asking right?"

"Right." Neymar begins to fiddle with his ring before looking back at you. "Aren't we friends with benefits?"

Hold the fuck up. When the fuck did this happen? Friends? With benefits? With this fine ass man? What the hell is wrong with you? He should be husband, maybe too early. Never mind.

"Ah! I kinda remember something about that." You smile nervously, because you have no idea. "But we don't have to do that. I may be open to the idea of dating now but I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"There was someone, but I haven't see him lately."

You really did miss Antonio. He was so easy to talk too and everything just felt so right with him.

"His loss." Slowly standing from his chair, he plops himself next to you. "How could someone avoid you?"Pushing a few strands of hair behind your ear, your heart flutters.

"Haha right?" You blush and turn your gaze away from Neymar. He certainly was making you nervous.

"I want a chance." Bold.

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