18. My confession

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I grab my keys, phone, plus my charger.
I closed the door behind, plodded down the steps, then walked towards my car.
I open the door, as well as, sitting down in the drivers seat.
I start to sit there and think.
Why am I doing this? Why am I going to the hospital for him?
Don't get me wrong, despite all of the shit he has caused me, I still like him.

I start to drive towards the hospital, Miah was in her own car in front, I was following her.
I arrived at the hospital, I parked my car, I brought my parking ticket, after stumbling out of of my car.
I locked my car, whilst heading towards main reception, why was I doing this? I kept questioning myself.
I walked towards the desk, a lady was sat behind it, with brown eyes, tanned skin, as well as, wearing blue scrubs, she also had short hair.

"Hi there, I'm looking for Robert Stone" I cried
The lady nodded, and began typing on her computer, to see which room he was in.
The lady looked up at me, typed again, then cleared her throat.
"Robert Stone is in room 23, you walk down the corridor, then turn left. Any questions or anything, come back here luv" she answered
"Thanks poppet" I replied

I walked in the direction the lady told me too, I finally reached room 23. I looked through the window at Robert, he looked like he was asleep.
Tears started to sting my eyes, a voice started to appear in my head, "hold it together Katie, you got this".

I opened the door slowly, trying not to wake him up, I closed the door behind me. I sat down beside the hospital bed, were Robert lay.
I looked at him like he was the only man in this world, I still liked him, soon enough, I will start to fall in love with him. Why do I still like him, even though he don't deserve me and the baby?

Suddenly, I saw Robert rubbing his eyes, he started to widen his eyes. He still looked handsome, like the first day I saw him.
I gulped, tears started to prick my eyes again, I don't know why. It's because I still care about him, seeing him like this in a hospital bed made me upset.

"Katie? What are you doing here?" Robert asked in a low tone
"Nice to see you too" I cried rolling my eyes
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I thought we weren't talking" Robert answered
"We weren't, but you had to make up your mind whether you wanted to be in the babies life or not" I replied
"I do want to be in the babies life" Robert cried
"You do?" I answered

His answer stunned me, he is on medication though? I didn't want to get my hopes up.
If he's on medication, he don't know what he is saying.

"Yes, I do Katie" Robert cried

I couldn't help it, the tears started to stream down my face. Why am I caring for somebody, who don't even like or love me?
I don't know why I get myself in these situations.

"Kat? Why are you crying?" Robert asked trying to wipe my tears away.

I sniffled, pulling his hand away, I was still mad at him. But just a touch sent electric through me.
I didn't know what it was about Robert.
I'm mad at him, but I crave him at the same time. Robert is a mixture of pain and pleasure.
I stood up, looking through the glass window in the room, I began to wipe the remainder of my tears away.

"Kat? Are you okay?" Robert asked sternly
"Does it look like I'm okay? I still fucking like you, even though you don't deserve me Robert. I've tried so fucking hard, to not think about you day and night. But, I can't get you out of my mind. Even though, you fucking hurt me. I still fucking like you" I cried

Robert looked shocked, he didn't expect this sort of reaction to come out, but it did. It was months of feelings built up, it felt good to let them out.
But what does this mean for me and Robert?
I doubt he feels the same way.
I've never felt like this in a long time.
Since I met Robert, he has made me feel sexy, confident, he made me happy like nobody else did.

"I'm still trying to process my feelings for you Kat, I've never been in a relationship before. But when I'm with you, I feel happy. I enjoy your company. Yes, I fucking hurt you, I am so fucking sorry. I wish I could go back, and not of been the arsehole I was. I still like you, and I haven't stopped" Robert responded

I looked shocked, I didn't think he still liked me. Was it time to forgive and forget?
Maybe, not at the moment.
But there will be a time, we're I will forgive him.
Is he telling the truth, or is he lying?

"You like me still?" I asked
"Yes, of course I do. My feelings haven't changed, I'm starting to fall in love with you Kat, pregnancy suits you. You're glowing" Robert cried

I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside of my chest, even though he's an arsehole at times. He does know how to make a girl smile.
I felt my cheeks burn, but I didn't care about blushing in front of him.

"How did you end up in hospital?" I asked
"Your Mum's ex partner came looking for me, he was on about him raping you, I felt my blood boil. I got into a fight with him, I knocked him out. But before I did knock him out, he stabbed me in the side. He escaped from prison, he was wearing the clothes what they wear inside. He's back in prison now, he's far away from here" Robert replied

I walked towards Robert, leant down, and kissed him. That just goes to show, he has my back through anything. He got stabbed for me, what sort of man would do that for me?
I couldn't believe it.
Him knocking him out, made me like him more.
It made me love him more, he's willing to go above and beyond for me.

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