2. Meeting Mr.Stone

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It was Friday afternoon, and I was filled with all sorts of emotions. I was nervous, worried, and excited. Different scenarios ran through my mind, what if I fell over? What if I said the wrong thing? What if his son came in and I got all red?

So many things, ran through my mind. I could have a panic attack right now, but I'm willing to take deep breaths and stay calm.

I made myself a coffee, got all my paper work together, including my masters degree. Grabbed my car keys, opened my front door and shut it behind me.

I walked towards my car, opened the door, and put all of my belongings next to me. Turned the key, and off I drove to my interview.


I parked my car, gathered all my belongings, and got out the car slamming the door shut. Also, Locked my car.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I was stunned. Is this really his hotel? It's massive! I thought. It looked smaller in the pictures he emailed me.

I approach the building, trying not to drop anything as I was wearing a navy blue knee high skirt, blouse and blazer to make myself look professional. I wore black loafers, to make me look smarter.

I entered the building, and walked towards the desk, there stood before me was a woman. She had blonde hair, which was put into a low bun. Small blue eyes, grey blouse, blazer and skirt. She also was wearing the same loafers I was wearing.
She must have good fashion sense.
I read her tag on her blazer, her name was Megan.

Megan seemed friendly, she wore a smile, and seemed very professional and confident.

"Hi there, welcome to Mr.Stones Hotel. How may I help you?" Megan asked
"I'm here to see Mr.Stone, I have an interview with him at 15:00pm" I answered
"Of course, it's Katie right?" Megan asked
"Yes, that's right" I answered
"Okay, no worries. If you would like to take a seat over there, he's just finishing up in a meeting. He'll be with you shortly" Megan replied
"Thank you" I beamed

I sat down, and started to read the last chapter of my book. It was called Lady In Red, it was a romantic novel. I loved them. She had a friendship with a man, and it blossomed into a relationship. They got married, and had two kids together.
Sadly, the wife died and husband went with her. That's what true love was.
I wanted it, but it'll eventually come one day.

I let out a sigh.

As I looked up, I saw a man approaching me. He had grey slicked back hair, he was wearing a beige blazer, white blouse that looked like a school t shirt, beige trousers, and a white tie, and black smart shoes. He had light blue ocean eyes, and his facial expression looked like he was annoyed at something or someone.
I hope not me!
He wore a intoxicating cologne, it hit me like a ton of bricks, it filled the whole room.

"Hi there, you must be Katie Roland. Nice to meet you" Malcolm smiled

I went to speak, and my mouth wasn't letting me, instead I just put my hand out to give him a hand shake. What an idiot!

"Yes, sorry. I'm Katie. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Stone" I replied

Malcolm let out a warming smile. I felt my palms get sweaty, and my legs felt like they was on fire.

"Shall we go up to my office?" Malcolm asked

"Yes, let's go" I replied

I've never felt so embarrassed in all my life.
We walked towards the elevator, hopped in. Malcolm pressed floor 4.

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