27. Lost & Found

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I awoke in an empty bed this morning, obviously Robert left last night, whilst I was asleep.
I hope this isn't all fun and games to him.
I really do love him, I'm still moving to Folkestone though, he can even come with me or without me.
Either way, I'm still going.
I collect my keys soon, I'm so excited, I can start a new life without having to deal with Miah, Robert, as well as, Niall when he gets out.

I climb out of bed, then head towards my coffee machine (which is very much needed this morning), I make my Oreo coffee, which is the best coffee I've made so far.
I put some bread into the toaster, I'm going to have Nutella spread on toast, my belly is rumbling to thought of it.

-5 minutes later-

I'm sat down on my couch, taking small sips out of my coffee, as well as, biting into my toast.
After I had finished, I started to wash up my utensils, whilst I placed them back into there rightful places.
Next, I made the bed, started to get dressed, while doing my hair in the process.
I'm wearing a comfy tracksuit today, because why the fuck not?
I brush my teeth, gargle down some revolting mouthwash, whilst putting my trainers on.

I start to dial Millie:
-Beep Beep-
-Beep beep-

"Hello girl, how are you?" Millie asked
"I'm good thank you! How are you?" I cried
"Yeah, I'm okay. The boys are at school, till next week" Millie replied
"Was thinking of coming up to see you" I cried
"Really? I could do with some company actually" Millie replied
"You okay?" I asked concerned
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just need some company, that's all" Millie cried
"Okay Mills, I'll be on my in a minute. Love ya, talk soon" I replied
"Okay, bye" Millie cried

-Call Ends-

I strode towards my fridge, grab a red bull, as well as, my keys.
Walk towards my front door, open it, whilst closing it behind me.
I plodded off down the stairs, strode towards my car, open the car door.
Sit in the drivers seat, I also place my opened Red Bull can into the cup holder, close my car door then start to drive.


I pull up next to Millie's house, grab my red bull, grab my keys whilst opening the car door as well as, closing it behind me.
I knocked on the door, waited patiently, a couple minutes later, Millie answered the door.
Millie hugged me tightly, she probably needed some girl time, being a mum isn't easy.
I strode into the house, sat down, then I placed my Red Bull onto the table.

"What have I missed?" Millie asked
"Not a lot, I'm back to work tomorrow. I'm going to start applying for jobs in folk-stone, when I get home" I cried
"Do you think moving to Folkestone is the best option for you right now?" Millie asked

I thought about it for a couple minutes, to weigh up the pros and cons, cleared my throat then went to speak.

"Yes, I think it is. I mean, so much has happened in London already. I don't want to be reminded of it all" I cried
"So you'd rather run away from it all, than not face it?" Millie asked
"I'm not running away from anything Millie, I just want a fresh start" I cried

Millie looked at me, like a "what's going on with and Robert look?" appeared on her face.
"Nothing. We had sex last night, then he left before I woke up" I cried
Millie raised both of her eyebrows up at me, as if it to say: "go on, get in there", while nudging me in the process.
"It wasn't planned or anything, it just happened" I said
"Can I ask you a question?" Millie asked
I nodded curiously, as to what she was going to ask me. You don't know with Millie, she asks anything.
"Do you love him? No lies, no ballshit" Millie asked

I started to think about the first time I met Robert, there was something about him, what attracted me to him. We was like neon firefly's, we was always around each other, we never got tired of it all.

"Yes, I do love him. But I need to do what's best for me" I cried
"I know you do, but can't you two work it out?" Millie asked
"He hurt me Mills, I don't trust him enough to be with him, if you haven't got trust. You haven't got nothing" I replied
"That's true, but if you two love each other, why not try to build up that trust? It may take time, but isn't it worth giving it a shot?" Millie asked

Maybe, Millie is right. Maybe, Robert is my only direction, my life path, I mean, maybe all of this has happened for a reason.
You do have to go through pain, to get to the other side right?


"I'm going to head out Millie, I'll see you soon. Take care of yourself ok?" I cried whilst grabbing my half empty can of Red Bull.
"I will, see you soon. Take care too" Millie said

I hugged Millie tightly, it felt nice to hug her, it felt like all my problems have gone into thin air.
I waved goodbye, but before I could go, Millie stopped me.

"Wait! I have something for you" Millie shouted
I strode back towards the house, Millie handed me a pink monster energy drink, she knew that was my favorite.
"Harry didn't like it, anyway bye girl" Millie said
"Bye Mills, thank you" I cried
I walked back towards my car, opened the car door, sat in the drivers seat.
I put my red bull, in my little bin bag what I keep in the car, I closed my car door.
Opened my monster, then placed it into the cup holder, off I drove towards home.


I arrived home, parked up, grabbed my monster as well as, my keys.
Opened my car door, closed it, then locked it.
I entered the building, plodded up my stairs, there stood before me was a man.
He had a black tracksuit on, curly blonde hair, blue ocean eyes, he was 6ft tall.

"Can I help you?" I asked curiously
"I'm looking for a Katie Roland" he cried
"That would be me, why?" I asked
"I'm Charlie Jones, nice to meet you" Charlie asked
Whilst putting out his hand to shake mine.
It took a couple of seconds to sink in, before I knew it, I knew instantly who he was.
"You're my brother?" I asked
"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you"...

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