Small Care

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After returning to the inn, Shen Qingqiu had felt that his tits were swollen. Of course, as soon as he brought his hand to his chest and hissed, Liu Qingge was right there, waiting eagerly.

"You stupid brute, hold on..."

He started walking towards the corner covered by the privacy screen and sat on the stool.

Liu Qingge was right beside him, not wanting to be in front of him in case he intimidated him.

Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but flare his Qi just to make sure there was no one else near the room. After he somewhat settled his nerves, he slowly started to open up the front of his robes, letting them slip down to his elbows.

He gave Liu Qingge a look, and then he promptly grabbed another stool and sat in front of him, leaning forward and being as gentle as he can. Shen Qingqiu couldn't help the anxiety coming through his veins, fear that someone will walk in and see him in a state of undress. It's like a beast lurking around the corner, threatening to come out if he makes one wrong move or lingers for too long. It's making him feel jumpy, even to the point that when his shidi's roughened and callused hands gently place themselves on his shoulders awkwardly, he flinches and turns his attention to him instead of watching the door through the screen.

His shidi gives a concerned look, only to be met with a slight scowl and an avoidant gaze. That's the most Liu Qingge gets in terms of Shen Qingqiu being comfortable. Like he could ever be truly comfortable so close to others in this inn. Mongrels, the lot of them. Acting like they're better than everyone else when they've done worse than the street rats on these grounds. Like they've never been dishonest, never stolen, only ever been righteous, never-

His thoughts are cut off when Liu Qingge rubs his shoulders as lightly as he can, trying not to be brutish. He had been so out of it, that he hadn't even noticed he had already latched on. That, or his guard has dropped so much around this brute of a man that even when his hackles are raised, they're never towards him. 

... It's probably the former, definitely.

When all of this is said and done, and Shen Qinggiu is dressed properly again and somehow soothed by Liu Qingge carefully redoing his hair for the millionth time, they decide now is the perfect time to head off back to Cang Qiong Mountain, as Shen Qingqiu's gently swelled chest is no longer stuffed. They, meaning Shen Qingqiu, clean up the room and place things back where they were before as to make it easier on the staff. During the process of readjusting his robes, Shen Qingqiu, for some odd reason, had blurted a statement about said chest.

"I think my tits are bigger." He blurts, a straight yet curious expression on his face.

"... What?" Is the reply from the other side of the room, "Tits?"

In his confusion, he doesn't dare look to where Shen Qingqiu is staring. I mean, was staring. He looked up at Liu Qingge after he said something.

"Exactly what I said. My tits. What you've been leeching off of." He says plainly, a slight scowl on his face as if "tits" is a word said by a nobleman from a noble family, and Liu Qingge just isn't the brightest. Although, by standards, he's really not unless it's battle orientated.

He continues to get a confused look back, and confused blinks. Eventually, he just shrugs and leaves it be, letting him do his things. Liu Qingge is busy setting a small tub out with clean water in it and folding a rag to lay on the side of the bucket after he stops thinking so hard about it.

After his robes are in place, without seeing it, a gentle hand grabs on his sleeve instead of his wrist. Shen Qingqiu looks up, seeing Liu Qingge's face. It's a soft plead, but determined. He's carefully lead to sit on a pillow, forced to submit to Liu Qingge's atrocious  demands of letting him smooth his hair out and redo his two braids.

... He'll never admit how much he appreciated the grab on his sleeve instead of his wrist.

After his hair is done, he wakes from his safe haze with all the poise of someone indulging their disciple and not their shidi. When he's up, he stands and huffs. He forcefully moves Liu Qingge onto the pillow, ignoring the confused puppy looks coming his way as he settles behind the man. It didn't even dawn on him that he touched a man on his own, let alone manhandled one.

He starts on the brute's hair, undoing the high ponytail from the guan and pin. he brushes his fingers through it before grabbing a comb. The brute doesn't even have his braids in to show his peak's ranking.

Brushing the strands is quick, and so is applying the hair oil, but the braiding takes a minute even if his fingers are deft. He braids tight braids, all the way down. One on top, and three on each side. he pulls the hair up and redoes the style it was in, just with its braids this time. It's a small, but meaningful little moment of care between the two.

Oh yes, Liu Qingge was definitely confused and stressing. But in a good way.

When all is said and done this time, they leave the room and set out, all their stuff already packed and stored away. They set down the road, carefully avoiding everyone but each other, not bothering to fly just yet because of the townsfolk. Their matching bangles are in different places, Liu Qingge's tied to his belt with a thick cord, and Shen Qingqiu's is in a qiankun bag.

Even when they leave town and are out of sight, they don't fly. Every time, they use some bad excuse, such as, "Oh, but there's this plant-" which is always said by a certain flora and fauna geek. The other indulges, sometimes even adding things like it could be unhealthy for him with no real explanation.

Really, neither were ready to admit the other's company was as enjoyable as they found it. They even started bickering to remind themselves of their previous relation, but the ruse quickly fell every time into genuine conversations, or even peaceful silence.

At this rate, they would be late to get back, but it was fine. Because they saw rare flora and fauna and ran into sticky situations. They definitely were not quietly geeking out over beasts, because they hate each other.

(I LIVE!!!! Sorry for such a LONG hiatus, I could not think of jack to continue this, but being chronically on can sometimes boost writing inspo when there's burnout moments!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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