Wedding is Trading

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Marriage is a bond of relation

Between two hearts without condition.

Marriage is a sacred boon of Almighty!

Marriage is a social responsibility.

It's a permanent settlement of life

It's a legal option to become husband and wife.

But it was an old tradition of wedding

Today it's painful and discouraging.

Nobody wants to tie a nuptial knot

Without having financial thought.

Marriage is a big business to the modern generation

It's an uncouth gambling in the name of relation.

No exchange of hearts; only have an exchange of material

No relation of mind, conjugal life remains artificial.

There's a cruel custom of dowry

A bride is a key of golden treasury.

Two wheeler, four wheeler or Tata Safari

Furniture, hard cash offer or valuable jewellery.

How much do offer, demand further goes more

Any refusal or inability causes havoc furor.

A newly wedded bride or an old housewife

Has to bear tremendous humiliation and swipe.

In case a girl child is born or gets black complexion

It's a crime to a mother for this unwanted option.

She has to face torture physically and mentally

In the hands of in-laws and her hubby certainly.

A long cherished dream of a mother sinks into despair

Her life partner gradually involves into extra-marital affair.

On day the last weapon comes down on her

She has to leave in-law's house with a divorce letter.

The greedy son-in-law again sits on the bridal Piri

To have a golden kiss of the custom of dowry.

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