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There is no concept of dowry in the eye of religion,

There is no place of dowry in the minds of good citizen.

But yet it remains unmoved in our society,

In disguise of charity without showing no parity.

Dowry prohibition act duly passed in parliament,

It provides punishable offence to penurious or affluent.

Marriage is the condition of love, sacrifice and faith,

It's a unique boon of the Heaven, not for bet.

I am a father of a daughter who is close to my heart,

She has a good education and she is so smart!

As the law of nature, she needs nuptial knot,

It's my duty first and foremost.

A journey of new life will start soon,

Now I have to find out a suitable groom.

One day one of my office colleague gave me an information,

A suitable guy was found to the nearest location.

We went there to have a discussion,

The boy is a primary teacher by profession.

The proud father claimed ten lakhs hard cash as dowry,

A four stroke motorbike and with valuable jewellery.

Washing machine, fridge, L.E.D TV need not mention,

These are to hand over at the time of bridal function.

Suddenly I fall in the abyss of despair,

My heart aches for my lovely poor daughter.

I do not discriminate between son and a daughter,

To build up a healthy family they bear equal share.

Why do I purchase a son-in-law?

Is he a saleable cow or buffalo?

Every corner of the society wherever we go,

Qualified grooms are sold in the cattle show.

Who is to blame? Society or System?

It must be put on younger generation.

I pray! Do not fall victim in the hands of greedy fathers,

Raise your voice to abolish this cruel structure.

You're the future of the nation, a strong pillar of the society,

All the daughters strive to bring happiness and prosperity.

Choose your life partner according to your choice,

Fortune will smile on you forever, do learn to sacrifice.

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