The Role of a Married Pair

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Peace in relationship bears no fruit

If there is dearth of potential root.

Nuptial tie is a sacred boon of Divine

It can never be judged by counting of time.

It remains fresh till the last breath

Faithfulness is the key of success rate.

Conjugal life is a happy life

when couples have agreed to pay the best price.

When a bride enters into a new home as a spouse

She becomes very dear to everybody in the house.

Here she gets new parents not biological

So she should not bear the pressure of psychological.

As a housewife she needs to be duty bound woman

Happiness of the family depends on her good achievement.

She is not only a housewife who involves in houseworking

To take care of his husband, it will be her another focusing.

Now I want to raise a vital question

Why do happy couples have a tendency to go for separation?

Conjugal life is often to see a common phenomenon

Deep attraction of mind suddenly turns into diversion.

A housewife needs to have wifely virtues

So that wedding knot never has a chance to become loose.

Your husband is your life partner, he is your friend and companion

Even within hundreds of household work, do steal some times for conjugal conversation.

But today it's seen almost invisible in conjugal affairs

They lead a fast life and have little time for their partners.

One who holds a service running for monetary gain

Almost forgets to save any time for mental recreation.

All run! Run and run away

Passion, emotion, attraction have gone away.

Naturally it's sufficient enough to cause a mental distance

And dangerously it hampers peaceful co-existence.

A service holder wife or a simple housewife

Should sustain a conjugal happiness side by side.

The hubby also have same responsibility

To his wife, should have faith, love and credibility.

When the pillar of conjugal love will remain straight

It will never break down under any threat.

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