Music Therapy

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None can deny the contribution of music

It helps to remove the illness of mind and physique!

So we like music! We like to have absorbed in its sweet melody!

When we are in paroxysm, we like to hear a song or its parody.

All music crazy people of the world, white or black

Always do have a melodious feeling in heart!

In pensive mood, a song may help to remove your anxiety,

The sweet melody lingers on for a long! And it keeps a fresh mentality.

If someone suffers from incurable disease, apply music therapy -

To him it will be a pain relief balm to have tranquillity.

When treatment of medicine failed to satisfy the patient

A sweet song is the best option who has a heart complaint.

Music therapy can play a vital role to our ill affected mind

So let us come to hear a sweet song to remove our agony of any kind!

On 21st June, music day is celebrated every year

We love to sing, we love to hear a song with a good cheer!

When a patient feels severe agony, there's no alternative of music therapy

Other systems does have little effect wheather it's allopathy, homeopathy or sympathy!

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