Foster Daughter

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The girl is beautiful, smart and intelligent

She is only one child of her well established parents.

Being an only inheritress, she is brought up with vigilant care

She got everything whenever she wants to have near at her.

From nursery to college, she has good record in education

She never stood second, always captured the first position.

She is young, energetic and slim in figure

She does cherish a dream to have a bright future.

To fullfill her dream, for the post of a probationary officer

She sits for the competitive exam twice in the same year.

By the virtue of good luck she succeed to hold the post of a officer

In the SBI, she starts her first service career.

As an honours graduate in English, she draws attention to everyone

With a smile on lips, she looks more handsome.

A good looking guy works with her in the same chair

They come close and gradually do develop a love affair.

Both have a same aim in life and bear same thought

They deeply love each other and want to tie a nuptial knot.

The young guy comes to the girl's house on one occasion

To win over the hearts of the parents for their relation.

The mother of the girl is known the matter earlier

Earnestly wants to have this guy for their daughter.

After the rosy romantic affair for one and half year

Ready to sit on the bridal Piri both make a promise with each other.

In the course of due time, a report is revealed like a current

The girl is adopted child of the issueless parents.

They are not biological parents of the girl

They had got the girl from the nearby hospital.

Her virgin mother passed away due to heavy pressure on delivery

They took the newborn baby by the way of adoption law of the country.

Since then she is their heart! She is their only hope and future

But the boy who loves her deeply doesn't want to accept her.

How does he accept her? She is a illegal child of a virgin mother

His relatives, friends and society will smile on him with hatred and anger.

But hearing the sad news, the girl does not break down in heart

She rather thanks to God! She had got such nice parents after her birth.

She submissively wants to ask a question to the society

Let be born to anywhere, but have a good work culture and quality.

This is the recognition of a man nothing else above it

She is liberal, educated and has a modernity in spirit.

Why does she take the responsibility for her miserable birth?

It's the duty of civil society to stop this nuisance on this earth.

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