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The five-year-old boy, Ugetsu, trembled in the frigid embrace of the cold night air. The biting chill gnawed at his frail body, permeating through his tattered clothes and sending shivers down his spine. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, a constant reminder of the deprivation he had endured for days on end. His once vibrant garments were now nothing but a collage of rips and tears, revealing his emaciated frame and the grime that clung to his skin. A forlorn figure, he had been wandering aimlessly since his daring escape from the confines of the Hidden Mist Village.

Ugetsu, a member of the notorious Hozuki clan, bore the weight of his heritage upon his small shoulders. The Hozuki clan was renowned for their mastery of water-based techniques, their skills formidable, but their reputation marred by a cruel and callous nature. This young boy had borne witness to the depths of their savagery, a firsthand testament to the darkness that lurked within his own clan. Driven by an unquenchable yearning for freedom and reprieve from the atrocities he had witnessed, Ugetsu had summoned the courage to sever his ties with the Hidden Mist.

Under the cloak of darkness, Ugetsu had fled the village, determined to forge a new path for himself. The days that followed were an arduous journey, a treacherous odyssey through the untamed wilderness. Uncertainty weighed heavy upon his heart, for he knew not where his weary feet would lead him, but one thing was certain—he could never return to the Hidden Mist.

As Ugetsu trudged along the desolate path, his small form gradually succumbing to exhaustion, his thoughts drifted towards his elusive destination—a place whispered in tales, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of shinobi existence. Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village, was rumored to be a sanctuary of tranquility and prosperity, where shinobi were raised to defend their village and safeguard its inhabitants. Ugetsu clung to the faint glimmer of hope that Konoha would offer solace and respite, a haven where he could rebuild his shattered world.

His weariness became unbearable, and Ugetsu sought refuge behind a graveyard, a somber and eerily fitting backdrop for his despair. Dehydration had begun to ravage his parched body, the absence of water amplifying his suffering. It was in this fragile state that he became aware of someone's presence behind him. He turned his gaze, his eyes meeting those of an elderly man who knelt before a gravestone, tenderly placing offerings and drinks as if communing with a lost loved one.

A voice laced with concern broke the silence, interrupting Ugetsu's desolate reverie. "Young boy like you shouldn't be sleeping here," the old man uttered gently, his words brimming with compassion.

"I don't have any home," Ugetsu replied, his voice carrying the weight of despair.

The old man's eyes softened, his gaze fixed upon the name etched upon the weathered stone. "These belong to my wife," he murmured, inviting Ugetsu to seek solace in the embrace of a spirit long departed. "Ask her if you want."

Hesitation flickered in Ugetsu's eyes, but the intensity of his thirst overcame any reservations. He turned towards the offerings, his hands swiftly grasping the drinks, and he consumed them with a ravenous hunger. A sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips as the cool liquid revitalized his dehydrated body. It was then that the old man spoke once more, a hint of sorrow lacing his words.

"What did my wife say?" the old man inquired, his voice tinged with melancholy.

Ugetsu's eyes met the old man's gaze, and he shrugged, a mix of gratitude and resignation etched across his young face. "The dead don't talk," he answered matter-of-factly, his voice tinged with a hint of wisdom well beyond his tender years.

A flicker of understanding danced in the old man's eyes as he recognized the familiar pain in Ugetsu's words. They resonated with the experiences of a troubled past, hinting at the horrors the young boy had left behind. With a gentle nod, the old man acknowledged the weight Ugetsu carried upon his small shoulders.

"You must be from the Hidden Mist, aren't you?" the old man's voice held a tinge of sympathy, his gaze falling upon Ugetsu's distinct features—the sharp teeth, the shock of white hair, the piercing blue eyes. The signs of his Hozuki lineage.

Ugetsu nodded hesitantly, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within his soul. "Yes, I am," he admitted, a mixture of trepidation and hope coloring his words. "But I couldn't stay there any longer. It's not safe... for me."

The old man's weathered face softened, lines of wisdom etched deeply into his skin. With a reassuring smile, he reached out a hand and placed it gently on Ugetsu's shoulder. "Your home isn't truly a home if you don't feel safe or happy within its confines," he spoke with a quiet conviction. "Sometimes, we must venture far and wide to find the place where our hearts truly belong."

Ugetsu's eyes widened, a glimmer of confusion and curiosity dancing within their depths. His gaze locked with the old man's, searching for meaning, for guidance.

"In Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village, we believe in nurturing the bonds between our shinobi, in fostering a community where protection, harmony, and growth thrive," the old man continued, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "It is a place where your skills and talents could find purpose, where you can build a new home, one that embraces you for who you are."



Ugetsu stood in awe, his wide eyes taking in the magnificence of the grand house before him. It loomed large, an imposing structure that spoke of history and strength. It was a stark contrast to the meager existence he had known, a testament to the power and prestige of the Sarutobi clan. His heart skipped a beat as realization washed over him—this was his new home.

As Ugetsu took hesitant steps forward, he noticed the elderly man who had brought him here standing beside him, his presence commanding respect. Recognition dawned upon Ugetsu's face as he realized that this old man was none other than the revered Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, leader of the Hidden Leaf Village and the guardian of its people. Ugetsu's breath caught in his throat, a mix of astonishment and gratitude swelling within him.

"Welcome, Ugetsu," Hiruzen spoke with a voice that held both authority and kindness. "This is the Sarutobi clan house, and from now on, it will be your home."

His eyes widened further, his heart racing with a blend of excitement and trepidation. Home. The word echoed in his mind, carrying the weight of new possibilities, of belonging. He had longed for a place where he could feel safe, where he could find purpose and acceptance. And now, standing in the presence of the Third Hokage, it seemed that his prayers had been answered.

"Why did you bring me to your home? I will be an outsider," his voice stammered, his eyes searching Hiruzen's face for an answer.

Hiruzen's expression softened, his wise gaze filled with understanding. He placed a hand on Ugetsu shoulder, the weight of his touch conveying reassurance. "You may see yourself as an outsider now, Ugetsu, but in time, you will come to realize that the bonds we form here transcend bloodlines and backgrounds," he explained gently. "The Sarutobi clan has always valued loyalty and compassion. We embrace those who are willing to grow, to learn from their mistakes, and to contribute to our village."

A mixture of hope and uncertainty flickered within his eyes as he absorbed Hiruzen's words. The weight of his past actions bore heavily on his conscience, leaving him unsure if he deserved such an opportunity. But the Third Hokage's unwavering faith in him stirred a newfound determination within his young heart.

"I told your wife that in return I will watch over this village" Ugetsu vowed, his voice laced with determination. "I will protect this village with everything I have."

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