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"Here's your mom, say hi."

"You call her more than you call me." Ms. Choi spoke as she furrowed her eyebrows at Soobin on the camera.

Mila smiled a little as she heard Soobin gasp.

"I call you and you never answer!"

Ms. Choi shrugged her shoulders pettily and turned around, facing away from the phone with a smile.

"See? She knows I'm right."

"How was class today?" 


"Wow, that's a great description." Mila said nonchalantly as she placed the phone on the table, leaning it against a bowl.

"How are the sells going today?"

"Explosive. Just so exciting." She said sarcastically making Soobin smile in amusement.

"I know right? Exhilarating." Ms. Choi also spoke sarcastically as she shook her head, making Mila chuckle.

"You really did scare the crap out of Nina."

"Why? Did she try to talk to you? Did you try to talk to her? Watch what you do, Soobin." She warned making Soobin smile.

"She didn't want to partner with me for a project."

"That's hilarious." Mila couldn't help but giggle as her tactics worked exactly how she wanted them to. "What about other girls, are they after you?"

"They still are. You know, I'm irresistible." He said dramatically shaking his head, making her roll her eyes in amusement. "But I always tell them 'Hey, back off, I've got a beautiful girlfriend back home that can swim like a shark and fly like superman to come get you.' It works like a charm."

Mila and Ms. Choi both giggled at his words as he smiled cutely at Mila.


Mila walked towards the door with furrowed eyebrows at the random knock at midnight.

She looked through the peephole and furrowed her brows even more as she opened it.


"I found it." He said quietly as he stepped inside and she closed the front door behind him.

"What? What are you doing here? When did you even-"

"Mila, listen to me." Soobin softly placed his hands on her shoulders, making her stop and look up at his eyes in question.

"What is it?"

"I found your mom's new address."

Mila stared at Soobin for a few seconds, feeling her heart raise and tears fall down her eyes.

"What?" She couldn't help but weakly whisper, and Soobin wrapped his arms around her. "So, you came all the way here?" She whimpered as he pulled her even closer, and nodded his head against her shoulder.

"She's here. In our town."

"What?" She questioned in disbelief as he pulled away from her. "Why didn't she come see me?"

The town was so small you can't even get tired walking around the whole neighborhood. She was surprised that she was looking in the wrong place.

She was there all along.

"I don't know. I tried to reach her but she's not answering so far. We could go tomorrow."

Mila stared at Soobin as tears continued rolling, and she couldn't help but place her arms around his neck, pecking his lips.

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