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Mila took in a breath as she ran a hand through her hair, hearing the gates closing behind her.

She looked around, seeing her grandmother next to her father's car.

"Hi." She resisted the urge to cry as she walked over to her grandmother, whose tears were shining under the morning sun.

Mila wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly as she cried.


She turned around to look at her father, who gave her a small smile.

She couldn't help but smile at him as well, greeting him with a wave.

"I'm glad you're back."


"I just need help, cleaning and selling the fish. It's not very hard if I teach you." The lady said nicely as she led Mila to the back of the store, showing her where the men bring in the new fish.

"My grandmother taught me how to clean fish, I'm pretty good at it." Mila spoke softly as she looked around at the cute decorations on the wall.

She wondered how such a nice lady managed such a big store on her own. But she seemed to be strong enough to manage a whole country.

If you looked at the store, you wouldn't think it was a fish selling business.

"That's great! When do you think you could start working?"

"Whenever you want me to."

"Do you want me to train you a little today?"

"That'd be great."


Mila weighed the mackerel, before placing it in a bag and handing it to the older lady.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a good day!" She said with a smile as the lady walked away, waving at Mila.

Mila looked forward at the ocean, taking in a big breath of fresh air, closing her eyes for a few seconds, the sounds of the waves taking over her ears.

She loved this job already.

"How old are you again?" Her boss spoke from behind her, making Mila look behind her with a smile.

"I'm 23."

"You're so young, why are you here working for me? Normally it's older ladies working in places like this one." She said nicely as she cleaned the inside of a fish.

To anyone else this would be disgusting, but to Mila she was used to it. She had lived near the ocean for her whole life. Her grandmother used to be a diver before her arthritis got worse, her mother used to also be a diver.

The only who wasn't involved in the ocean was her father, who had always been a teacher, from her knowledge.

"I made a lot of mistakes. I-I was in jail for a couple of years." She hesitated to say but the older lady only nodded her head in understanding, surprising Mila.

Everywhere else she had decided to apply for a job at, instantly decided not to hire her when she told them this information.

"For how long?"

"Three years. My sentencing got extended for a fight I had in there." Mila continued to tell the truth as she reached to help her organize the fish she was cleaning.

"Were they bullying you?"

Mila looked up at her, her eyes slightly wide as the lady continued cleaning the fish.

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