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Whispers were heard as soon as Soobin went inside the school, making him look down at the ground shyly.

A friend group of girls stood at the side of the hallway as they gawked at him.

"Soobin, you look great." One of the girls said confidently, making the other girls giggle and push at her shoulders.

Soobin smiled at her as a thank you, making the girls giggle even more and push their friend.

He walked into the class, looking around for Beomgyu and spotting him at his usual seat.

"Wow, what happened to you?" Beomgyu asked with a smirk as he pointed at his hair.

"I got it done yesterday."

"You look good."

"Thank you." He chuckled as he sat down at his desk in front of him.

"Everyone else seems to think so too." Beomgyu teased as he gestured to the girl that had asked to text him.

Soobin looked over at her, making her shyly turn her head away, pretending to look somewhere else.

Just as he was about to look away from her, his eyes met Mila's, who was walking into class at an early time surprisingly.

She walked past him and sat down at her desk in the back, placing her legs up like she always did.

He stared at her for a few seconds before feeling a slap at his head.

"Ow." Soobin frowned as he looked at Beomgyu who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Stop, you're drooling." He whispered, making Soobin furrow his eyebrows and look towards the front again.


Mila looked around the school stationary store with Soobin as he searched for drinks.

Her eyes sparkled as she saw a Skittles pack, and she grabbed it, placing it in her pocket just as Soobin turned his head to look at her.

She whistled and looked away in amusement, as if she hadn't just taken the pack to steal it.

Soobin's eyes were wide, and his brain buffered for a moment.

He got over his shock and grabbed the drinks he was looking for, taking one for Beomgyu as well, and then walking to the counter to pay.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Mila playing with a pink pencil with a small pout on her lips, making him shake his head in disbelief.


Mila sat down on a bench, eating the Skittles she had taken with her legs crossed, watching the gym class that was starting.

Some of the girls glared at her as they started doing jumping jacks like they were instructed, making her wave at them with a smirk.

The instructor had given up on her although it had only been a couple of days into the school year.

Soobin's breath was unstable already as he continued jumping, making Beomgyu look at him in amusement.

"Shut up." He breathed out with a groan as he resisted the urge to push him.

The instructor blew his whistle making them stop.

Soobin ran a hand through his hair, placing his hands on his hips, trying to catch his breath.

"You're so unathletic." Beomgyu teased as he shook his head, but his teasing was interrupted as he spotted a couple of girls walking their way.

"Hey, guys. Here." One of them said as they handed them drinks, some of them shyly while others smirked.

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