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Soobin unlocked the door to his house and took off his shoes before looking around.

"Mom?" He called out, getting no response.

She wasn't home yet, and Soobin assumed she must have been in the shop still. She was working late a couple of times for the past few days.

He ran a hand through his hair as he dropped the mail on the table and sat down to look through it like he always did.

He saw one addressed to his mother, but he didn't recognize the logo for a second, but his eyes widened a little as it read district court.

He opened it and skimmed through the words.

Soobin stared at the paper for a few seconds, before folding it and placing it back in the envelope.

He blinked away the tears as he heard the door opening.

"Soobin! We're having fish today."

He didn't respond as he normally would to her joke as she walked into the kitchen a tired smile on her face.

"What's wrong?" She was quick to notice, and her eyes fell on the paper in his hand. Her gaze changed as she felt tears reach her eyes as well. "Soobin."

Soobin stayed quiet as he looked down at the envelope, before placing it on the table.

"Your father and I fell out a little while ago. We just didn't want to hurt you, that's why we haven't told you."

"So, you were just going to divorce in secret? Without telling me?"

She stayed silent as she placed her things on the table.

"Is that why he hasn't come to visit?" He said softly as he stood up to grab some water.

"He was supposed to, but he's just been busy."

Soobin hummed as he drank his water, before giving his mom a small smile.

"I'm going out for a walk. Is that okay?"

His mom nodded his head softly as she looked down at the ground when Soobin walked past her.


Soobin sat outside of a convenience store as he looked forward at the sea that was pretty far away, a warm sausage in his hand as he chewed slowly.

His parents were having a divorce.

 Oddly enough, he didn't mind that. He was grown enough to understand that when you don't love someone, it's not good to just stick around.

But what made him sad is the fact that his father wasn't visiting, and it was probably over their divorce.

He didn't come to see him, even if he'd asked multiple times to the point he was tired of asking. He'd make empty promises and never go through with them.

Even if he was angry at his wife, he shouldn't have disconnected from Soobin and not talk to him in months unless he was the one that called.

He should have been there.

Soobin furrowed his eyebrows for a second, before noticing that someone had sat next to him.


Soobin looked over, seeing an older lady, probably in her thirties. 

She smelled like alcohol, and Soobin couldn't help but get a little scared.

"Hello." He greeted politely as he gave her a small smile.

She smirked as she ate some of her chips.

"Why are you out here all alone?"

She was flirting with him, and Soobin contained the urge to scrunch up his nose in disgust. He was still in his school uniform, and he looked too young for her to be trying to catch his attention.

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